Chapter 125

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"Well, that was fun," Castiel says, watching as the last of the guests leave.

"Yeah, honestly, highlight of my year," Dean says.

"Not that it's had much competition," Castiel mumbles, feeling a pang of guilt. If he hadn't been too nervous to leave the house, maybe Dean could have enjoyed the rest of the year, instead of just hiding out and suffering through Castiel's mental breakdowns. It's a miracle Dean hasn't just completely left him yet. Thank god he proposed when he did: he can't back out as easily now.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Dean asks softly, tilting his head and resting it against his fiancé's.

"Nothing," Castiel says, as he typically does when asked that question.

"I don't know if I buy that," Dean say.

"I know," Castiel says. "Can we just... I don't know. I want to go home."

"Which home?" Dean asks. "I can handle either here or our house a short walk away, but anything up north is way too far to drive to tonight."

"Our house," Castiel says.  The fact that they do share a house, and not just informally like Dean's house in Massachusetts, still warms his heart.

"All right, wanna say goodbye to everyone first?"

Castiel just shakes his head.

Dean raises an eyebrow. "Okay, I guess we'll just go?" He seems less certain now, and that alone is worth another guilt trip on Castiel's part.

"You don't have to come, actually," Castiel says. "I can walk myself. It's not far." If this really was the highlight of Dean's year — which Castiel has very little doubt is true — then he should get to stay at long as he wants to.

"Come on, Cas, don't be ridiculous," Dean says. "You're right; it's been a long day. I can walk you home." But, despite his reassuring words, he can't completely hide the fact that he wants to be here.

"No, really, Dean," Castiel says. "I'm fine. I just need a chance to clear my head, okay?"

There's a hint of skepticism in his gaze, but Castiel maintains his innocent facade long enough for Dean to decide he's telling the truth.

"All right." Dean gives him a brief kiss on the lips. "I'll see you in a few, okay?"

Castiel nods. "See you then."

Lucifer pops his head out of the hallway before either of them have a chance to move. "Oh, there you are!"

"Do you need us for something, or...?" Dean asks.

"No, I was just wondering where you disappeared to," Lucifer says. "I'm about to put Alex to bed, which means we no longer have to be rated E for everyone — but we have to be quiet or she'll wake up then she'll cry and she'll be sad and then I'll be sad and then no one wins."

"Duly noted," Dean says.

"I was actually about to head home," Castiel says.

"What? Why?" Lucifer asks. "Just 'cause everyone else left doesn't mean you have to, too! You have special awesome person privilege!"

"No, I know," Castiel says. "I'm just tired. It's been a long day, you know?"

"My entire life has been long days for eighteen months," Lucifer says. "Honestly, I'm kinda used to it by now."

Castiel chuckles halfheartedly. "Yeah, I'm sure."

"You, on the other hand, have done absolutely nothing your entire life, so you probably don't like long days," Lucifer says. "Welp, g'night! We'll miss you! Come back soon! Like, really, really soon!"

Castiel gives him a small smile. "I will."

The last thing Castiel hears before he closes the door behind him is Lucifer saying, "Wait, I fully expected you to go with him," presumably to Dean. As if them spending well over a year together wasn't enough. Actually, maybe this was a bad idea. He probably shouldn't be hoping Dean gets a taste of freedom. He may never want to live together again.

The walk home is nice, though. He doesn't get to spend a lot of time outside alone. He's usually too afraid of being mobbed by fans, or, especially if he's in Los Angeles, the paparazzi. He has to admit, he enjoys every moment of it, more than just about every day of the least year he's been in Massachusetts with Dean. He almost wants to just keep walking past his house just for the fun of it, but ultimately decides against it. Maybe he'll go walk around tomorrow, this time in the sun.

But, as he realizes soon start he crawls into bed, he's actually not very tired, which doesn't leave him much to do we he waits for Dean to come back. He spends a couple hours reading a fanfic about himself on Wattpad — the first time he's done so in a while. Any fans that haven't given up on him yet are going to be thrilled to see that he's been online, even if it's just reading a high school fic about his nerdy self and cool jock Dean.

But eventually, he's finished that, too. It's really starting to get late now. Where the hell is Dean?

Castiel opens his messages, about to text him, but pauses just before he does. As much as he wants Dean to come home, he doesn't want him to feel like he has to come home. He does still want Dean to have some fun. It's what he deserves for looking after Castiel for so long.

So Castiel does what he usually does when he's bored and desperately needs something to do. He pulls out his guitar.


"Hey, Cas, buddy."

Castiel slowly opens his eyes. He hadn't even realized he fallen asleep, still holding his guitar in his lap. Fortunately, he's leaving against the wall, not slumped over his instrument, because that would hurt.

Dean smiles slightly. "Maybe time to put the guitar up, huh?"


Dean takes it from him, not earning any thanks, but no protesting, either. Castiel closes his eyes again. Nap time.

"Cas, aren't you gonna lie down?" Dean asks.


"All right, hang on," Dean says. "I'm gonna throw on some sweatpants."

Castiel barely processes that. He's too tired to really care. Why did Dean have to wake him up? Sure, it's probably best that he doesn't break his guitar, but sleep. Sleep.

The bed dips, and logically, he knows Dean is getting ready to lie down, which means he should lie down, too. But the logical part of his brain doesn't want to work, so he doesn't move.

"Hey, Cas," Dean whispers. "Beds are meant for lying down in. Sitting is for chairs."


Dean chuckles. "You're so cute when you're sleepy."


"All right, come on."

Dean puts an arm around him, gently pulling him down. Castiel doesn't bother trying to fight it, and ends up lying across Dean's chest.

"Do you want to lie down on your side of the bed now?" Dean asks, not unlike one would speak to a child.


"You know what?" Dean says. "It's, like, three in the morning. I'm just gonna roll with it. How 'bout that?"


Dean puts an arm around him. "Goodnight, Cas."


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