Chapter 60

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"I swear I almost died on the way home," Dean announces as he steps in the house. "The roads are way too icy for this shit."

Castiel laughs as waits for him in the kitchen. He has his phone on the counter, recording them for when Dean steps into view. Castiel puts his Polaroid camera in front of his face, getting ready to snap a picture.

After a few moments, Dean steps into the kitchen. His eyes seem to light up when he sees the birthday decorations. Castiel quickly snaps a picture, and waits for it to print out before he puts the camera down to go see the boy.

"I was not expecting to come home to this," Dean says.

"You didn't think I'd ignore your birthday, did you?" Castiel says with a grin.

Dean chuckles. "No, I guess not. You know, I think the only proper response to this is a hug."

He walks over to the boy and wraps his arms around him. He presses a kiss to Castiel's cheek before pulling away.

"Do I smell pie?" Dean asks suddenly.

"It's behind all the presents," Castiel says. "You're welcome to start eating it now, or we can do presents first and clear off some room. Either one works."

Dean thinks about this for a moment. "I really want that pie, but I don't think there's enough space on the table for pie and presents, so let's start with presents — and I feel really awkward saying that because it's like I'm expecting both pie and presents and like this isn't some once-in-a-lifetime deal."

"It's not a once-in-a-lifetime deal, though," Castiel says, amused. "It's a birthday party. It's a once-in-a-year deal, technically."

"But I haven't had a birthday party in years," Dean says. "I don't think I've ever had an actual birthday party at all, except for, like, cheesey four-year-old parties. So, up to this point in my life, it's a once-in-a-lifetime deal."

"That's depressing and I'll make sure to go all-out next year because of it," Castiel says. "Now sit. It's present time."

Dean chuckles. "Pushy pushy." He takes a seat at the end of the table, and Castiel sits next to him.

"My presents or everyone else's present first?" Castiel asks.

"Everyone else's," Dean replies. "Save the best for last, you know?"

Castiel hands him the box from the Novaks, Winchesters, and friends. It's a small moving box; bigger than a shoe box, but not huge. Dean tears the wrapping paper off carelessly, crumbling it into a ball and throwing it on the floor. He opens up the box and burst out laughing.

"What is it?" Castiel asks, trying to peak in.

Dean dumps it on the table, and a whole collection of clone trooper tsum tsums fall onto the table. "You may have your own little Disney character tsum tsums, but I have an army."

"Oh god, maybe you'll be the one to bring about world domination with your tsum tsums," Castiel whispers dramatically.

Dean gives a dramatic evil laugh. "You will all pay for ever disrespecting my army!"

"God save us all," Castiel whispers.

"I'm just going to put them everywhere," Dean says. "Nowhere is safe from my stuffed clone troopers."

"That's a great plan," Castiel agrees. "They can be our guard dogs."

"Except that they have horrible aim and can't kill anything," Dean says. "Other than that, great guard dogs."

Dean puts all the tsum tsums back in the box and puts them on the floor. Next, he takes one of Castiel's gifts. He shakes it, but it doesn't make any noise. He feels around the packaging, but it's all flat. He takes a moment to just look at it with a dissatisfied frown.

"I have absolutely nothing to guess on," he says.

"You could guess by unwrapping it," Castiel suggests.

"That's cheating but I'll do it."

Dean pulls the wrapping paper off and tosses it carelessly on the floor. When he sees what it is, he laughs.

"Is this a Tony Stark bobblehead?" Dean asks, amused.

"It's a Pop Funko bobblehead thingy of some Marvel character," Castiel says uncertainly. "It might be what's-his-face. I don't know names and I can't see the front of the box to look."

"I love it," Dean says.

He opens the box and pulls the bobblehead out, stuffing the plastic that held him in back in the box. He taps the head, and it bobs up and down a bit.

"This is awesome," Dean says with a grin. "Am I correct in guessing that the rest of these little boxes are other Marcel characters?"

"I can't answer that until you open them," Castiel replies, even though he's completely correct.

Dean opens another one to reveal a little Loki bobblehead, which he takes out and sets next to his new Tony Stark one.

"This is awesome," Dean says. "My bobbleheads can now re-enact the infamous 'I have an army,' 'We have a Hulk,' scene."

"The what now?" Castiel asks, staring at him blankly.

"You and I really need to have a Marvel marathon," Dean says. "Once football's over, we're definitely doing that."

"But —"

"This is nonnegotiable," Dean tells him. "You'll thank me later."

Dean opens the next bobblehead, which is Spider-Man. He takes him out of the package and puts him next to Tony Stark.

"Look, it's everyone's favorite father-son duo," Dean says with a grin.

"Wait, is that who Tony Stark is?" Castiel asks. "Spider-Man's dad?"

Dean just stares at him for a minute. "Dude. No. Tony Stark is freaking Iron Man. Peter — Spider-Man — doesn't have a real dad."

Castiel puts his hands up as if surrendering. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I don't know superheroes."

Dean sighs in exaggerated disappointment. "I can't believe I'm going to spend the rest of my life with someone who doesn't know anything about superheroes. I can't stand for this."

The next Pop Funko Dean opens up is Tony Stark in his Iron Man suit, but without the helmet. Dean takes him out and puts him between the other Tony Stark and Loki.

"See? Tony is Iron Man," Dean says. "He's basically the superhero that went 'fuck the rules, I don't need no secret double life' and told everyone he was a superhero on tv."

"And that's not a thing that happens a lot?" Castiel asks uncertainly.

Dean sighs. "I can't have this conversation with you. You're too clueless for your own good."

He opens up another one to reveal a bobblehead that looks almost the same as the one he just opened, except he's wearing his Iron Man helmet. Dean puts him between the no-helmet Iron Man and Loki.

"I like this little progression here," Dean says. "I'm actually feeling really satisfied with this arrangement so far. I'm kind of worried to see how the rest of them are going to fit into the lineup." Dean eyes the remaining stacks of boxes. "How many of these did you get me?"

"All of them," Castiel replies. "Everyone from the Marvel whatever-the-c-stands-for Universe."

"Cinematic and damn, that's a lot of bobbleheads," Dean says with a laugh. "And, just for the record, this is definitely the best birthday I've ever had."

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