Chapter 7

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It's Father's Day today, and Castiel wants to incorporate some mention of that into his show. He decides that before 'Yasss' is the easiest segue, where he can throw in a casual shout out to all the dads, because he's already in the middle of a long speech.

"Now, if there's one thing you probably know about me, it's that I'm very, very, very openly gay," Castiel says, earning a round of excited applause. "And, from what I've gathered, so are a lot of you."

The crowd cheers again, and Castiel watches with an amused smile. The two girls directly in front of him — they can't be much older than seventeen or eighteen — share a kiss as if cementing their sexuality, and Castiel can't help but find that adorable. He's always found love cute, but same sex couples just make him really happy. Despite all the shit the lgbt+ community goes through, these two people found their way together, and they seem more than happy this way.

"And, as I'm sure you're aware," Castiel continues, "it's June, which means it's pride month." He says that at every show during the month, just for an added opportunity to listen to everyone scream for a few seconds.

"I love myself a good pride celebration as much as the next person, but the people who need this month the most aren't the ones you see at the parades. They're not the ones with the rainbow shoes at the 'lesbian' t-shirt. They're the ones sitting at home and watching from far away, because for one reason or another, they can't be involved in the celebrations — whether they're still in the closet or if they've been ostracized for who they are.

"And I think it's important to remember those who aren't as fortunate as us, and to anyone standing in front of me right now who has faced discrimination because of who they are and who they love; anyone who's been told that they aren't valid because they don't fit someone else's standard of 'normal,' I want you to remember that you are not alone. There are millions of people out there who are just like you. And I promise, it will get better. We will make it better, because we are the generation who will change the world for the better."

The audience cheers again, and this time, they don't stop after a few seconds. It takes what feels to Castiel like two minutes — though he can't check the time to see — until they've quieted down enough that he can continue speaking without yelling.

"And today is special for another reason," Castiel continues. "It's Father's Day, as I'm sure many of you are aware of. And you are under no obligation to celebrate your father if he's done nothing for you, but for those whose dads have supported them through everything and have always been there for you — even a father who doesn't share your blood but does have your heart — then don't forget to wish them a very happy Father's Day. And any dads out here today, whether you were forced into watching the kids because they had some stupid concert they wanted to go to, or if you ditched the kids for a night out, whatever the case may be, happy Father's Day, and thank you so much for being here."

The crowd erupts in another round of thunderous applause, and Castiel has to wait another few seconds until he can continue speaking. He notices another couple in front of the stage — a guy and a girl, probably in their late twenties — say something to each other that ends in a kiss on the cheek. Castiel can't help but wonder if they have a kid at home. Maybe this is a Father's Day gift for him. It's always cute to see a straight couple at his concerts — whether they're bi and no one would guess by looking at them or if they're straight and here for more than the sexuality party, it's cool to see that he hasn't been ditched by the straight couples.

"But," Castiel says, causing the crowd to settle down, "I know you didn't come here to listen to be ramble about dads and love and all that. No, you came here to sing it along with me."

The intro to "Yasss" starts, and Castiel pulls off his trench coat to reveal his rainbow outfit that he wears only for this one song. The crowd cheers, and Castiel beams out at them. He never used to notice individual people in the crowd, but after all this looking for Dean he's done lately, it's become second nature to scan the reactions of the people standing in front of him, and so many of them have already started dancing.

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