Chapter 139

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"Ooh, you're back," Castiel says with a grin, sprinting over to the front door.

"I am back," Dean says.

"So, how'd it go?"

Dean shrugs. "I don't know. It hurt. Now it doesn't hurt. It's probably gonna start hurting again soon. That's about it."

"Can I see it?"

He shakes his head. "Not until tomorrow. The dude told me not to take the bandage off until the morning."

"Well, that's not fair," Castiel pouts.

"It'll be worth it when it doesn't start dropping overnight," Dean replies. "So, until then." He pulls down the collar of his shirt to reveal the bandage covering his fresh tattoo. "The flaming pentagram stays hidden."

"Ugh, fine," he says. "Does it look cool?"

"It does," Dean says. "I mean, everything looks cool because it's me, obviously, but the tattoo is especially cool."

Castiel chuckles. "Sounds about right. And Sam's went fine, too?"

Dean nods. "It's all a-okay. Plus, we're both completely protected from demons, which is a plus."

"I still can't believe you got some cult symbol tattooed on your chest," Castiel says. "You're gonna be 80 years old and you're gonna look down and wish you never got Sam for Secret Santa when you were 26."

"First of all, I think it's fucking hilarious that you think I'll live to be 80," Dean says. "I'm too much of a certified dumbass for that. Second, I think I'd be the coolest 80-year-old in history with my snazzy new tattoo."

"Dean, your certified dumbass is showing."

Dean slaps him on the shoulder, clearly fighting back a laugh. "Shut up."

"Never," Castiel says with a smirk.

"And this is how relationships fall apart," Dean says dramatically.

"Yes, they fall apart through weird ass tattoos," Castiel agrees. "Which means I'm not at fault at all."

"And suddenly I'm thinking I'm not the only certified dumbass in this house," Dean says teasingly.

Castiel looks around. "I didn't know anyone else was here."

Dean shoves him gently. "Oh, shut up."


"Hey, Cas, look at this," Dean says randomly that afternoon.

"Look at what?"

"Jack did that Instagram 'year in review' thing that shows your most liked posts, and I just really feel like you need to see it."

Castiel follows the sound of the voice to find Dean chilling on the living room couch, as always, with his phone in hand. He hands it over when Castiel reaches him.

The first picture in the array is of Jack and Castiel's music video from the year before, which leads him to think it must have been when it won an award. The next is Jack on stage at some award show, which Castiel doesn't take the time to recognize, and then it's Jack and Castiel again at the Grammys in February.

Dean obviously hadn't been referencing any of the other pictures, but Castiel can't help but smile to himself at the fact that three pictures of Lord Tyrion made it — which is impressive, especially when Lord Tyrion has his own separate Instagram account. Honestly, it's what that little kitty deserves.

"Aw, we're adorable," Castiel gushes as he hands the phone back.

"And apparently, the people think so too," Dean adds. "I bet when See You Then comes out, he'll post a picture from that video or from the behind-the-scenes or something and that'll be his most liked next year."

"I hope not," Castiel says. "I don't want him to think his success is because of me."

"Of course it's not," Dean says. "His success is because of his cat. Everyone knows that."

Castiel shakes his head. "I know I'll never understand your bromance with Lord Tyrion, but my god, I wish I did."

"Oh, speaking of my best friend," Dean says, typing on his phone, "Lord Tyrion has his top nine out, too."

After a pause, Dean hands him the phone, and Castiel isn't surprised at all to see all the videos with Dean occupying the top spots. The rest are just brief pictures with minor celebrities, or, more often, just Jack and Tyrion — though there is one with just Kelly and Tyrion, which Castiel finds adorable.

"That's awesome," Castiel says, starting to hand the phone back.

"Did you read the caption?" Dean asks, so Castiel takes it back to do that.

"How dare you like the pictures with these peasants more than just a king in his kingdom? This footballer man has nothing on me."

Castiel bursts out laughing. "You just got roasted by a fucking cat!"

"Not just any fucking cat," Dean says. "The fucking cat."

"You got roasted by the fucking cat, and you're happy about it?" Castiel says, amused.

"Oh course," Dean says. "He could murder me and I would say thank you."

"That is a very interesting mindset, I'll give you that," Castiel says.

"It's the only good mindset," Dean replies. "Quick, what do I say to him?"

Castiel can't help but chuckle. "You sound like a teenage girl asking her friends how to text her crush."

"That's exactly what's happening," Dean says.

"Well, I got nothing," Castiel says. "Come up with your own comment."

Dean groans. "Fine, hang on."

And silence.

And more silence.

And even more silence.

And even more more silence.

"Alright, I'm just gonna wing it," Dean says finally. He mutters under his breath as he types, "'The fact that this isn't just an array of pictures of you is a disgrace. A king deserves better than this.' Post." Dean clicks his phone off and looks up at his fiance. "And Jack-slash-Tyrion is gonna respond with something witty as always, because Jack's cat has better social skills than I do."

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