Chapter 73

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"Home, sweet home," Dean says with a fond smile as he steps into the police station, a slightly nervous Castiel behind him.

"Took you long enough," Officer Fischer says with a teasing smile.

"Well, I've never gotten to drive around here before," Dean says. "Something about it being 'illegal' and that '12 is too young to drive a car' or something stupid like that."

"Yes, totally unreasonable," Officer Fischer says sarcastically. "Well, come on. Let's see if we can find anyone you'd know."

Officer Fischer leads the way through the police, and Dean and Castiel follow him. No one seems to care that they're here, but that doesn't make Castiel feel a lot better. He fidgets with his hands nervously, just praying for this to hurry up so they can leave. 

"I have to say," Officer Fischer tells the older boy as they're walking, "I was not expecting to see your name again — and definitely not when it came to football."

Dean shrugs slightly, which doesn't look easy on crutches. "Well, I needed the money. Had to put Sammy through college, and Stanford is not cheap."

"Trust me, I get that," Officer Fischer says. "Eliza's looking at colleges right now, and I swear, we're gonna be in debt for the rest of our lives. I can't imagine doing it with two kids."

"Wow, Eliza's in high school, isn't she?" Dean says. "I was thinking she was still just a little three-year-old."

Officer Fischer chuckles. "She's definitely grown up a bit. Really smart, too. She's even got a fighting chance for valedictorian." He glances at the clock on the wall, then says, "Actually, she'll probably be here any minute. The in-laws are here for a few days, and she's been trying her damndest to stay out of the house 'til they're gone."

"Is that Saunders over there?" Dean asks, gesturing to a woman on the other side of the room with his head.

"Yep," Officer Fischer replies, then calls out, "Saunders! You have a visitor!"

The woman looks over at them, and a small smile creeps into her face when she sees Dean. She leaves all the papers she was working with on a desk and walks over to them.

"Dean Winchester, as I live and breathe," she says with a grin. "And here I was, thinking you moved on to bigger and better things."

"Oh, never," Dean says.

Officer Saunders is the first person to acknowledge Castiel's existence in at least half an hour. She eyes him for a moment, then says, "And I know your name. It's on the tip of my tongue."

"Oh, right," Dean says. "That's my friend, Castiel."

Castiel gives her a small, awkward smile.

"Castiel!" she repeats. "I knew that. I just couldn't think of it." She holds out a hand. "I'm Perry Saunders."

Castiel shakes her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"You, too," Officer Saunders replies. To Dean, she says, "And you don't have to do the 'friend' thing. Just 'cause we're old doesn't mean we don't have internet here."

Dean chuckles. "Well, better safe that sorry. Never know what to expect down here in the Bible Belt."

"Fair enough," Officer Saunders agrees.

"I think I'm missing something here," Officer Fischer says. "What's the 'friend thing' you're talking about?"

"You didn't know?" Officer Saunders asks, sounding surprised. "They're together. It was all over the internet a while back."

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