Chapter 107

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"Vroom vroom!" Alex slides her toy train across the tracks that Lucifer helped her set up. 

"She's so cute," Castiel says, watching her from the couch with Dean by his side, Lucifer an Claire on a different one.

"I know, right?" Lucifer says. "She doesn't get it from me, I can tell you that much."

Claire slaps him on the shoulder playfully. "Yes, she does!"

"Ew, get a room!" Dean whines.

"Says the guy whose fiancé is literally anything with him," Claire says.

"I'm using him as a pillow," Castiel says. "Completely, totally platonic."

"Nothing you two do is ever platonic," Lucifer says. "You're the most obnoxiously engaged couple I know."

"Do you even know any other engaged couples?" Dean asks.

"No; that's why you're the most obnoxious one."

Dean just shakes his head at him.

It goes quiet for a minute or so, and they all sit back and watch Alex playing with her toy train. She's yet to speak to Dean or Castiel, but she seems more than willing to continue get daily life around them. It's kind of adorable.

"Anyway," Lucifer says, "let's talk about a music video!"

"What about it do you want to know?" Castiel asks. He's already given Lucifer a rough outline of the scenes he wants in it. There's not much more to do until they're filming, assuming they're going by Lucifer's typical relaxed style of directing.

"Mostly just the party," Lucifer says. "Can we throw a real party for it?"

"I don't see why not," Castiel says.

"Who can we invite?" Lucifer asks.

"Whoever you want," Castiel replies. "We can have the whole family up; maybe the cousins, too. You guys can invite your own friends. The more the merrier, you know?"

"Can you invite Jack?" Lucifer asks.

Castiel tilts his head to one side, squinting slightly. "Jack Kline?"

"Yeah!" Lucifer says with a grin. "I love Jack!"

"You barely know him," Castiel reminds him. "You meet a few times at Disney and that's it."

"Yeah, but I've been following all his interviews and stuff and I love him," Lucifer says. "So can you? Please?"

Castiel chuckles. "I don't see why not. When are we doing this? Saturday?"

"Sounds good," Lucifer replies. "Call him, ask now so I know you're actually gonna do it."

"I would do it anyway, you know," Castiel says. "I like Jack as much as you do."

"Than why aren't you calling him?" Lucifer challenges.

Castiel rolls his eyes. "Okay, hang on." But when he calls, Jack doesn't pick up, so he has to go with plan B — a text.

Castiel: This is probably a weird question, but are you free on Saturday? I'm filming a music video with Lucifer, and it starts with a party scene, so we're throwing an actual party as we're filming. I was wondering if you'd like to come?

"And we'll find out soon," Castiel says, putting his phone away.

"He better say yes," Lucifer says.

"It's entirely possible he's doing something on Saturday," Castiel reminds him.

"Yeah, but I'm more important than anything he could be doing," Lucifer says.

"I promise you, that's not true," Castiel replies.

"Dada?" Alex says quietly.

"What is it?" Lucifer asks in his Baby Voice™.

Alex stands up and walks over to him. She climbs up on the couch, and both Lucifer and Claire move towards the sides to give Alex space to sit between them. She pulls her feet up and snuggles up against her father.

"Hi, sweetie," Lucifer coos, stroking her hair gently.

Alex just hums in response.

"You don't wanna play with trains anymore?"

Alex shakes her head.


Alex wraps her arms around Lucifer in an awkward side hug. Lucifer smiles and rubs her back soothingly.

"Do you wanna play trains with someone else?" Claire asks.

Alex thinks about this for a moment. "Dada!"

"What about Uncle Castiel or Uncle Dean?" Claire asks. "Wanna play trains with Uncle Castiel or Uncle Dean?"

Alex looks over at them for a moment, and Castiel gives her a kind smile, almost inviting her to ask to play with him.

Alex looks up at Lucifer. "I want Dada."

"What about Uncle Castiel?" Lucifer asks. "I think Uncle Castiel wants to play trains with you."

"No, I want Dada," she repeats.

"It's fine," Castiel assures them. "She can play with Dada instead." It's a bit disappointing, but he doesn't want to make her do anything.

"I'm so glad she calls you 'Dada' and not 'Daddy,'" Dean says with a smirk.

"Agreed," Lucifer says. "I'm sure it would be weird for your to hear him call someone other than you that."

"Luci!" Claire slaps him on the shoulder. "Don't say that in front of her!"

"What? She doesn't know what that means!" Lucifer says. "I can still make sure jokes for a few more years."

"Dada?" Alex says, putting a hand on his face to get his attention.

"Yes?" Lucifer asks, back to using the Baby Voice™.


He chuckles. "Okay, sweetie, let's go play trains."

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