Knights Dance and We Ally

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Mia's POV:

We entered Auradon and made our way to the courtyard. The first thing that caught our eye was the fact that everyone was asleep.

Evie stated the blatant obviousness of the circumstance. "They're asleep. Everyone."

Mal stared at her phone. "I can't get Ben."

"Or Dizzy or Doug." Evie added.

"Or Jane." Carlos said. "The signal's out."

Celia pointed at the big building to our left. "Is that Auradon Prep?"

Carlos nodded and smiled. "Yeah. When everybody wakes up, you're going to love it."

Mal looked for a signal and Gil discovered grapes, which he thought was cantaloupe.

Harry grabbed a guy's wallet and pulled out some money. "I believe I deserve a compensation for my muscles, my wile, and my role in this endeavor. And for Mia being asleep."

Jay took the money from Harry. "You do. Me not squashing you like a bug."

Harry turned to him. "You think I'm scared of you, Jay?"

"Guys!" Us girls cried.

"Mm!" Dude added suddenly.

Carlos frowned at him. "Dude."

Dude burped. "Delicious."

"Dude, really?"

Dude's eyes widened. "What? It wasn't me. I swear. Okay, It was me."

"Hey, do you know what happened here?"

"Yup. Audrey showed up. She put everybody to sleep. And then she turned some of them to..."

"Guys." Evie called. "Hannah turned to stone."

We made our way over to Hannah as Jay said, "Alright, everybody stay on their toes."

Uma frowned slightly. "Look, since we're here, let's check the school."

Mal shook her head. "No. Audrey went straight for the crown, so, I think it's safe to assume that she's gonna go for Ben and his castle next."

"Says who?" Uma challenged.

"Says me."

"Says you. And that's supposed to mean something to me?"

I stepped between then and rolled my eyes. "Come on, you two. For once, don't bicker."

Evie nodded. "Guys."

"To the castle." Mal ordered.

We made our way to the castle and as soon as we entered, Mal immediately cried, "Ben!"

"This way." Dude instructed, leading us around a corner.

Mal frowned. "Ben could be asleep anywhere."

"Or turned to stone." Celia added.

I shot her a look. "Not helping right now."

Evie covered Celia's mouth. "Okay."

"Ben!" Mal cried.

We came upon Ben's office and saw claw marks. The curtains, among other things, were torn to shreds. Dude was sitting in the middle of the room staring at us. "I got a scent. Very pungent cologne. Easy to track. Follow me, people."

"That's great, Dude." Carlos praised.

Dude grinned, as much as a dog could. "FYI, I give great cuddles too."

Gil's eyes widened. "Really? I never had a pet growing up. Well, except for the elk head in Dad's man cave, but that wasn't--"

"Hold up." Uma interrupted, noticing that something had been ripped from the wall. "What's this?"

Carlos studied it. "Uh, any chance this was already there?"

"And follow me." Dude instructed.

We followed Dude into a room with armored knights.

Uma glanced at Mal. "I bet you lost some sleep thinking about me on the loose, huh?"

"No." Mal stated bluntly. "Dragons don't really lose sleep."

Evie sighed. "Okay. Why do we not do this?"

Uma flicked her eyes to Evie. "We're celebrating our differences, right Mia?"

I ignored her because something else caught my attention. Harry and I shared a look as we saw a suit of armor stand up straight.

"I believe we're being challenged." Harry stated.

Uma held a hand in front of my face, as well as in front of Harry's. "Let's split up and look for Audrey."

Mal frowned. "That makes absolutely no sense. Unless you give me my ember, she's going to spell you."

"Mal! Uma!" I cried, causing a flash of light between them.

"Girls!" Harry added. "We have a situation here."

The two of them turned to see a suit of armor. Pink smoke flowed from the night before it said in Audrey's voice, "Do you like a prince, Mal? How about a knight in shining armor? Or knights?"

[Night Falls]

We looked at the knights piled on the seat in front of us and cheer, "Yeah!"

"We did that." Uma said with a smile.

Uma and Mal raised their hands to high-five each other before giving looks of disgust.

Harry walked up to me and smirked. "Good job."

I returned his smirk. "You're not so bad yourself."

We stood on separate sides of Evie. Mal and her crew, and Uma and her crew. Celia stood in the back, watching the scene play out.

Evie frowned. "Guys, come on. This was so great. We were a team. We worked together. Come on." She grabbed my hand and Mal's, but we shrugged her off. "Come on." She touched Uma's elbow and Uma glared at her.

"Mm-mm." Uma mumbled.

Evie let out a sigh and placed her hands on her hips. "You know what we should try? An icebreaker. You say something you really like about the other person, okay? I'll start." She looked at the VKs and said, "Harry. Great accent. Now you go."

Uma met Mal's eyes. "Is she always this perky?"

Evie glanced at her. "Oh. It wasn't really your turn, but thank you."

I nodded at Uma's comment as Mal grabbed Evie's arm. "Okay. Evie, come here."

"Yeah." Evie answered brightly.

"I love you."

"I love you."

Mal gave her a small smile. "I love this energy, but we are very short on time. Audrey clearly knows that we're here, and we need to get out of here ASAP."

Uma stepped forward. "Alright, where does this cheerleader bunk down? Even if she's not there, we might find some sort of clue."

"Actually, she's still in the dorms." Evie informed.

Mal poked Evie's arm. "You're right. Because of summer school."

Harry let out a loud laugh. "What? Summer school? Summer school! No wonder she wants revenge!"

Mal frowned as she thought about what to do. "Okay. I need you guys to go find Ben. We will meet back at Evie's in two hours, okay?"

Uma had a hint of a smirk on her face. "Sounds like we're going with my plan. I'm just saying."

Mal shrugged. "It was kind of the obvious plan."

"Uma said it first." Gil said.

Uma nodded. "Right. So, my plan."

"Right?" Harry inquired.

Mal rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

I glared at them. "Drop it, guys."

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