"I went there to get away from "a", but when I left. I had what I needed to shut a down. those videos changed the game. Jenna was on top of my list. she had every reason to hate me. she always had her little dog Garrett to do her dirty work." Alison said to the girls.

"I thought you'd see it my way. Oh, and, Jenna, if I get one more threat, or you ever come back to Rosewood, I'll bury you."

Alison's phone rang and she got a text.
'Bitch can't see you, but I do. Tonight's the night I kill you.'

"Knowing what I had on her, I mean Jenna. would never have sent that text. I was wrong. she wasn't "A"" Ali elaborated.

"so when you got that text, you just crossed Jenna off your list?" Hanna wondered.
"and when I got home, "A" made it clear that if she wanted to kill me, she could." Ali paused. "I wasn't safe anywhere. But I finally had a weapon to fight back. I realized that everyone I suspected... even the five of you, were somehow compromised on those videos."

"I don't want you going out tonight." Mrs. DiLaurentis said.
"It's the last weekend of summer." Ali protested.
"It's not a discussion."
"We planned this ages ago, and you said it was ok."
"Ali, now is not the time... You have to send somebody." she said hanging up the phone. "Immediately."
"Is this about you thinking Spencer's the bully? Because, I have that under control now."
"I know things about that family that you don't."
"Really, like what?"
"I've seen what they're capable of. And you have to remember. You can never turn your back on a Hastings."

her phone rang.

"For once in your life please don't push me on this. Call it a night, go upstairs to your room." Ali walked away.
"Yes? And is there any news? Please hurry, I'm very, very worried. Please send someone. I see." Ali grabbed some pills and poured them into her hand.
"Mmm-hmm. Yes. Yes!" she left the house.
"Of course."

"Gotcha!" she said scaring the girls jumping into Spencer's barn.

"That's so not funny, Alison." Spencer said as Ali's phone rang
"Ali, did you download the new Beyonce?"
"Not yet."
"I'm loving her new video."
"Maybe a little too much, Em."
"Your turn." Ali said passing the drink to Aria.
"Careful, Aria. Take too much and you'll tell us all your secrets." Spencer pointed out.
"Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close. Drink up." Ali pointed out.

"I can't believe you drugged us."
"well I didn't drug all of you. Valerie didn't drink." Ali pointed out
"Besides. If I got another "A" threat while you guys were asleep, I could cross you off the list."
"I can't believe we were suspects." Emily said.
"I wasn't always the best friend to you guys."
"Yeah, well, your plan didn't work. I didn't sleep through the night." spencer said.
"Wait for it, Spencer. We'll get there."

"So you work here?" Emily asked looking around the place.
"The owner travels a lot. Valerie and I watch his place upstairs when he's gone." Ali pointed out.
"It's nice, quite." Valerie added. "no guy threatening me on the streets. had a few of those."

"Toby told me he wanted you to know you did him a favor." Emily  told Ali.
"He said he was free at last. I know what you see in Toby, Spencer. When he tells you the truth, you believe him. He said his time in juvie got him away from Jenna, and he was actually grateful to me. That's how I knew he wasn't "A." And it was the last time I saw him."

"Did we have a date that I forgot?" Ali asked climbing into Ezra's car that pulled up.
"You lied to me."
"I have somewhere to be."
"No! You're not going anywhere."

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