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"Hm? Did somebody just say something?"

"Nah I don't think so because if somebody was, they wouldn't talk to me since they need their own "space"."


"Oh Brooke you're here. How long were you there?


"Oh wait let me, are you here to tell me to leave you alone again?"

"Or to stop trying to be a friend?"

"Or maybe to just walk away like how every time I talk to you you just walk away?"

"I didn't mean too walk away Carson. You know how I am.."

"Haha, sure. Brooke please do tell me why you're here because I know that for a fact it's not for help from a friend. If you're here to just tell me to leave you alone, or about how much you given up on a lot of things, then you can just go because I'm not going to listen to it anymore. I'm done with listening to your failure and your sadness."

"That's not fair Carson."

"Not fair? I'll tell you what's not fair, being friends with a person who obviously doesn't want to be your friend. So you know what, I'll give you what you want. Brooke, let's not be friends anymore because obviously we both have different things that we want in a friendship. Let's just stop torturing each other and give up!"

"Fine, if that's what you want then we're not friends anymore."

"That isn't what I want Brooke, what I want is for you tell me things but it's okay. See ya Brooke. I hope you have a nice life and I hope that you find whatever it is that you're looking for."

"....Bye Carson."

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