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"Now it's time for you to explain to me why you're covered in bruises."

"I don't want to say."

"Tell me now, so I can know who has to pay for hurting you."

"It was nobody. I just tripped and fell. You know how much of a clutz I am."


"But do explain to me how you can just trip and have your face all injured? And what looks like to be a purple bruise starting to form around your sides."

"I tripped down the staircases."

"Wouldn't you be having broken bones and possibily a concussion?"

"I did."

"When did you recover from it?"

"Right when you showed up."

"But I was only gone for two minutes."

"Actually you were gone for an whole twenty minutes. Why were you late?"

".....It's none of your business as to where I was."

"It is actually."

"I have to go now. I have to talk to Mr. Collin about my grades."

"When I come back, I want you to stop giving up on telling the truth."

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