thirty three

11 1 0

"Hey Tanner."


"You're starting to blushing."

"well, its because you suddenly sprung that sort of confession on me. who wouldn't start blushing when they heard that,idiot?"



"Woah, it's starting to get brighter now!"

"it's because you're smiling..."

"Hm? What was that?"


"Wow, Tanner your face is pretty red now. You're almost as red as a tomato. One shade darker and you're becoming a tomato."


"Aw, you're trying to act all cool. It's really cute."

"cute? what's so cute? i'm manly and i'm cool! see these guns, i've stolen millions of girls hearts with these guns."

"Whoa there cowboy! I agree that those guns are pretty amazing. But, you better put them back down cause they're blinding my eyes! Ahh! My eyes!"

"haha, wow brookie. i would have never thought i would see your humor come into play, one day."

"Well, I've got some tricks up my sleeves that you don't know about."

"oh yeah?"

"Yeah. Like this one right over here!"

"ah, not your smile! anything but your dazzling smile!"

"Hehe, wow Tanner."

"well, i've got some tricks also up my sleeve!"

"T-Ta-Tanner s-st-stop! I-I-I'm going to p-pee myself!"

"haha, i don't think so. you're not getting away from me."


"what's the magic word?"

"T-Tanner! Pleassseeee!"

"hmm, wrong answer. prepare to be tickled!"

"N-Nooo! T-Th-That tickles!"

"haha, that's what i'm trying to do!"



"ow, brookie are you alright?"




"Tanner what are you doing? Why are you getting closer?"


a/n: they finally kissed!! finally tanner, i bet i'm not the only one who was waiting for him to do that. hooray!

Winners and LosersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora