thirty seven

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"You seem pretty happy."

"well, yeah, i'm dating the girl that i like. who wouldn't be happy?"

"That's true, who wouldn't be happy?"

"hey, brookie."


"you look really cute on my bed."

"Oh my gosh. Tanner, please tell me that you didn't just say that.

"i just did."

"Oh my gosh! Tanner, that's so wrong!"

"hey, but it's the truth. you're on my bed and you're looking pretty cute. it's only wrong if you make it wrong brookie."

"Well, not if the person at fault decided to purposely say that!"

"haha, sure, whatever you say gutter-mind."

"Oh please don't tell me that you're going to call me that for now on."

"hmm, who knows gutter-mind."

"Tannnneeerr, why!"

"haha, i like you too."

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