coming out

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big man al: come over tonight pls it's important xx

georgie worgie: yeah lol

beans: why lol

alpha male will: ight cool

big man al: it's important fraser

thicc papi: i'm scared cant u just tell us now

big man al: NO

thicc papi: shut up lol

furrycynical: is it THAT important tho

georgie worgie: it acc is no jokes

joshy the mans: fr?

georgie worgie: fr.

beans: ok i'm coming. i'll pick u up james on way

thicc papi: cheers xxx

furrycynical: what time

alpha male will: yeah

big man al: like idk 8

furrycynical: ok cool this better be some mind blowing news

alpha male will: cya then x

georgie worgie: cheers lads x


alex rolled over onto his side and pressed his head into george's chest,
"george, i'm actually so scared, what do we even say?!" the smaller boy panicked. they had finally decided they needed to come out to their friendship group, it was getting exhausting having to cover it all up.
"how do you think i feel? i'm not even out yet," george put his head in his hands, making alex wrap his arms around his neck and slowly rock him.

"'s gonna be ok, yeah? we both know that they're all decent people, they'll be fine with it, won't they?" alex pulled george's hands away from his face and planted a kiss on his cheek, making george look away, flustered and embarrassed. "c'm'ere'" he cooed, the brunet wrapping his arms around his waist and burying his head in his chest.

"you are my new pillow," george's voice was soft and calm, and he sounded sleepy.
"what an honour," alex smiled, twirling the boy's fluffy hair with his fingers. george just smiled and snuggled closer. he wanted to stay like this forever - no moment would make him as happy as he was now. finally, the boy who he had adored for 2 years now, was finally his.

"what time did you tell them to come over?" george asked, turning around so his head was now laying on alex's thighs, looking up at the ceiling.
"eight, is that alright?" alex looked down at the beautiful eyes that were staring into his own.
"yeah, what time is it now?"
"i dunno, i'll check," alex picked up his phone that was sat on the bedside table next to him. "uhh it's 5pm,"
"wait what? we only got up a few hours ago," george sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"i know, 's fucked init,"

they both got dressed out of their pyjamas, showered and brushed their teeth. george was sat on the sofa and alex was in the kitchen, making them both a cup of tea. it was 7:30 pm; they only had half an hour until they had to tell everyone that they were dating. george's mind was racing. he didn't even know why - he knew they were all accepting, but still, he was terrified and was dreading the next hour.

"y'right darlin'?" alex concernedly asked. he could see the fear in the brunet's eyes as he passed him a cup of tea and sat down next to him.
"'s gonna be alright, i promise, and once it's over, it's over and it'll be better for both of us, yeah?" alex took hold of george's hand and leaned on his shoulder.
"yeah, suppose so," george murmured.

eight o' clock had finally arrived. everyone was there, sat around the room on either the other sofa, chairs, or the floor.
"right so what did you want to tell us?" james asked, obviously getting a little impatient. the room fell silent. the murmur of chatter among their friends disappeared, everyone intently listening. george felt the pressure build up in his chest, about to explode.
"right, um so.. um.." he tried to figure out the right way to say this, all the nervousness got to him as he played with his hands that were in his lap. "um, basically, i'm gay and me and alex are dating.." george finally spat out. alex bashfully smiled, leaning on his shoulder and whispering a well done.

the whole room was lit up with smiles.
"i called it!" will joked, leaning back into his seat. james ran up to alex, kissing him on the forehead a few times, and then did the same to george, and pulled them both into an embrace.
"i'm so proud!!" the excitement in his voice made them both smile and laugh. the night went on as everyone individually congratulated them, making george's face turn red due to the overwhelmingness and making alex laugh at the state of his boyfriend.

they all went home around 12-ish, each individually saying their goodbyes and one last congratulations. josh was the last to go, saying goodbye to them both before shutting the door.
"c'mon, i wanna go to bed, i'm so tired," george muttered, pulling on alex's sleeve as he walked into their room. they both put on their pyjamas and snuggled up to each other.
"you feel better now?" alex asked softly.
"yeah, i'm glad we finally did it," george sounded sleepy and fell asleep as alex played with his hair.

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