pinky promises

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alex stirred in his sleep before waking up. he'd had another dream about george. a dream about the guy who makes his knees weak just by looking his way. alex had only liked him for about a week and a half and we was already dreaming about him. god, he needed help. throwing on his infamous pink hoodie, he walked out his room and into the kitchen.

"mornin al!" george's voice was always so chirpy in the morning - it made alex's heart skip a beat.
"oh! uh- i didn't know you'd be up-," alex stuttered, jumping at the surprise and nervousness at seeing george. "g-good morning!" alex laughed nervously and scratched the back of his neck.
"y-you doing ok?" george asked concerned about his friend. he had one eyebrow raised and his fluffy brunet hair was like a bird's nest. that just made alex find him even more cute.

the younger boy answered george's question by the way his eyes shifted across the room, meeting everything but george's eyes.
"mate? are you- are you feeling alright?" the brunet's voice snapped alex out of his trance and he realised that he didn't answer george's question.
"oh um, yeah! sorry, i- i just- yeah i'm doing fine, just a bit tired," alex excused, shifting his weight to the other side of him.

"right well.. i made you some toast, eat it and it'll probably make you feel better," george advised, obviously a little concerned about alex. he had been acting... almost nervous for about a week now, constantly stuttering, playing with his hair, fidgeting, and just getting flustered. george had no idea what to do; he tracked alex as he picked up the toast with a smile and a blush, thanking him and going over to sit on the sofa. he followed, sitting down with his legs crossed next to alex.

"alex, are you, y'know, doing ok?" george started, "because, i don't know, you just seem so jumpy and nervous for like, the past week, and i just wanted to make sure you're ok 'n that, so please tell me whats going on because i need to make sure you're ok," this sentence made alex's heart explode in joy: george was always so sweet and caring and understanding - alex could go on for hours listing everything he adored about him.

alex's leg started to bounce on the floor, "y-yeah i'm doing fine, don't worry about it, i- it's not important, if it was anything to worry about i'd tell you" he tried to reassure george but he just looked down at his leg which was bouncing continuously, something alex always did when he was nervous.
"but still, i'm really worried, i'm your friend, even if it's nothing big it obviously has you worked up," george looked down at the floor and up into alex's eyes, making alex's cheeks burn.
"mate, please don't worry about me. it's just stress because of youtube n' that, i promise, alright?" alex stuck his pinky out, signalling for george to do the same and make a pinky promise.

"pinky promise?"
"pinky promise."
george sighed in relieve, "well, i'm glad it's nothing bad, i mean, youtube is such a nightmare of a job,"
"tell me about it," alex scoffed in reply. his voice sounded confident but his cheeks were still red and his leg was still bouncing. george picked up the remote and put netflix on, then leaned into alex's chest.

"jesus, mate, your heart is beating so fast." george's actions had sent alex into a tiny panic - it's not like this is the first time george has cuddled up to him! they cuddled all the time! for fucks sakes, alex, get a grip! - alex thought to himself. but the pressure was too much for his easily-flustered heart.
"i- i'll be right back, i got to go to the bathroom," alex stood up and quickly marched to the bathroom. george was now filled with worry - this wasn't like alex at all - he whipped out his phone and texted james.


georgie worgie: hey james has alex spoken to u recently???

thicc papi: nah not about anything important, y???

georgie worgie: nah jus wonderin, he been actin so weird recently stg. like he's all jumpy and nervous, he's always like fidgeting n getting all flustered and i was just wondering if somethin had happened

thicc papi: oh uh nah he hasn't mentioned anything,, i'm sure he'll be ok :))

georgie worgie: ty my mans

thicc papi: np g


james knew what this meant. he switched over to text alex.


thicc papi: u like george????

big man al: wtf james
big man al: how did you know

thicc papi: cuz george just texted me saying ur actin all weird, ik u too well lol

big man al: ffs
promise me u won't tell him

thicc papi: nah nah i won't promise
but like al
stop being so nervous
just be confident in urself
bcoz ur making it obvious
and he'll probs fancy u even more

big man al: wdym even more he's straight

thicc papi: alex mate
he let you live with him rent free
with no hesitation
he might fancy you a bit

big man al: no chance
he's straight

thicc papi: is he tho
let's be realistic

big man al: gtg now ttyl dad

thicc papi: goodbye son


alex nervously walked out the bathroom and towards the sofa where george was sat.
"you ok?" george asked
"yeah uh, i'm really sorry about how i've been acting recently, i'm just so stressed out - mainly because of my parents not even talking to me anymore, i don't know what i'm gonna do anymore george i-," george cut him of mid-sentence by pulling him into an embrace. after a few moments, alex snuggled into george's chest. he was nervous at first but then relaxed into the cuddle.

as the night went on, they carried on cuddling and talking and watching TV, until alex fell asleep in george's arms. he felt at peace with george. like everything would be ok. all he needed to do was let himself relax.

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