thats cute, virgin

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"alex, for fucks sakes, just tell me what's going on!" george demanded, looking down at the fearful boy in front of him. it had been three weeks and alex was acting weirder and weirder everyday. george had had enough. he had been badgering alex for ages - but he didn't really get a response. this time, he wasn't going to stop until he got an explanation.

"you're not fucking acting normal, alex! you need to tell me what the fuck is going on. now." his voice was thick and stern; it made alex's eyes look nervous and his eyebrows were crooked.
"g-george.. please.. i just- i don't want to talk about it, ok?" alex pleaded. his voice was wobbly, he sounded like he was about to cry.

"no, alex! i've had enough, ok? you're going to tell me what the fuck has been going on and you're going to tell me right fucking now!" george's sudden change in attitude wasn't something alex was used to. george was usually patient, and soft, and gentle - but now he was a lot more aggressive, and forceful. it was a side of him that he had never seen.

alex's eyes darted to the other side of the room - sadness and panic filled his sky blue orbs. he was sitting on the sofa and george was standing in front of him with his arms crossed. he tapped his foot against the carpet. "alex, oh my fucking god, will you please just tell me?!" george's voice still sounded furious but he was practically begging. tears filled up his dark brown eyes, threatening to fall. he stared at alex with furrowed brows, but alex wouldn't dare look him in the eye.

"i'm going to bed now," alex stood up, his eyes still turned down, trying to hide the tears rolling down his face. his voice was dull - almost emotionless. he couldn't be bothered to deal with george. he was just so exhausted, scared, and sad. facing george would be the worst thing for him right now. the angry boy stared at alex in shock and disbelief as he guided himself around him to his room.

alex's bedroom door shut with a gentle thud. george just stood there, completely still, trying to figure out on what to do next. his nose crinkled as he wiped his tears with one of his sleeves. marching over to alex's room, he reached the door and pulled down the end of his hoodie. his palms were sweaty so his hand slightly slipped on the handle as he opened it.

the younger boy was sat on the edge of his bed, he didn't even look up as george entered his room. he was just staring down at his trembling hands. george couldn't see his eyes because his hair was hanging down in front of it, but he could see the tear stains that covered his rosy cheeks.
"al.. please.. i'm literally begging you." there was a lump in the boys throat as he choked on his tears. alex looked up. his eyes look desperate and his lip was trembling.

"i.." alex paused, "i'm sorry." he sniffed. "do you want to know the honest truth? don't worry, i'll pack my bags tonight and i'll be gone by the morning."
"alex, i'm not just gonna let you be homeless, no matter what happened. just tell me the truth," george sat down next to the boy who had his head in his hands.

"o-ok.. here we go," his voice trembled.

"the truth is, george, that i really like you. i've liked you for about two months now. i don't know why, you're my favourite person, you are the person who makes me the happiest in the world. whenever i'm around you, my heart aches, i can't stop thinking about you george," alex's eyes were desperate, anticipating a hard hitting rejection.

"i.. alex," george couldn't say anything, but he knew what he wanted to say. "that's cute, virgin." he started, he wasn't very good at expressing his emotions. "i- i dont know al, i feel like we both click, and i don't know, i love spending time with you and i get a feeling in my heart that i don't get when around anyone else," the other boy looked up, shocked. did he really just say that? no way is this happening - he must be dreaming.

"i thought you were straight though?" is all alex could say
"well.. i guess not," george murmured, shrugging.
"i'm sorry, i'm still trying to wrap my head around this. so you like me too?" alex was confused, this couldn't be happening, he thought.
"yeah, i have for a really long time. why else did you think i'd let you live here rent free?" he questioned.
"well... dunno really," alex was pulling on the end of his hoodie strings, "so are we like.. going out now?"
"i suppose so," george smiled.

alex was so happy. his heart was bouncing in his chest, unable to cope with the current situation. a huge grin appeared on his face as he flung his arm around george's neck. george giggled, rocking alex in his arms,
"i'm so glad you're mine, al,"
"i'm so glad you're mine too," alex responded. his heart hurt, but not in a bad way; in a nice, loving, way.

george pulled alex down with him as he laid on alex's mattress. soon enough, they were both fast asleep, intertwined in eachother, alex's hair on george's chest.

a/n: ok so.. 3 things

1) very sorry for slow updates! i've been really busy recently so sometimes i forget to update ;-;

2) idk i feel like my last couple of chapters have been kinda bad? like idk they just seem really dull,, please comment and tell me what you think! constructive criticism is always welcome

3) if you're reading this, feel free to follow! i'm planning to write a oneshot book based on things that remind me of summertime! so if you want updates on that and this book, then follow!

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