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alex stirred in his sleep, slowly leaning up and opening his eyes. confusion hit him as he realised he was on the couch and someone was next to him; his eyes were half shut and he couldn't make out who it was through his blurred vision. then, realising it was george, he leaned back into his first position. however, this had woke george up, causing the half asleep brunet to turn around, meeting his chocolate brown eyes with alex's electric blue ones.

"oh.." george yawned, "mornin' alex," he said under his breath, leaning so he was now laying on the couch, his feet touching alex's thigh.
"mornin, want me to go make some coffee?" alex offered, rubbing his eyes and stretching.
"n-no it's fine, i got it," the other boy slowly got up and shuffled to the kitchen, flicking the switch on the electric kettle.
"thanks," alex muttered.

"i have to make a video today but i really can't be bothered," george began while waiting for the kettle to boil, "i have a really bad headache n' that, plus i dunno what i'd even do it on," alex sat up, "just take a day off, 's what i'm doin',"
"yeah i might do actually," george started searching through the cupboards for some paracetamol; when he finally found it, he stretched his arms out and balanced on his tippy toes in order to attempt to reach the packet, making alex laugh in amusement.

"alexxx, can you come help? i cant reach," george admitted, sounding embarrassed. alex stood up and walked over to where george was trying to reach and passed the packet of tablets down to the shorter boy. even though alex wasn't that much taller - he still had to go on his tippy toes - the fact that he could reach it and george couldn't made him feel smug. alex giggled, receiving an elbow in the ribs from george, as he knew exactly what he was laughing about.

a/n: sorry this is so short! i wanted to do a chapter on alex settling in but i didn't really know what to write. trust me, things will start happening soon!

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