Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Firstly, I was sad already that my parents left after 30 mins, then Harry came in saying he was sorry, what else can I get?

" Cass, you ok?"

Renz sat next to me.

" I guess."

" Thats not an answer. If I were you I could had said no, I know hoow you feel."

"I just don't get it. It's like my parents never even bother to talk to me. All they do is work work and more work. That won't make me proud."

Renz pulled me over for a hug.


"You are never welcomed."

I hit her playfully and we both had a pillow fight.


I woke up hearing very loud music.

"Renz! Keep it down!"

Thats weird. 

I walked down and saw no one but a letter on the table.

"I am sorry, I was wrong and stupid. If you forgive me, please come out. If not I'll wait."

I placed down the letter and walked out to  the backyard. I saw Harry carrying a giant teddy bear that covered his face and a bunch of roses. I ran to him letting him drop all the suffs in his hand and gave him a hug.

 "Im so sorry Cass." 

I felt his tears falling on my shirt.

" Ohh, baby don't cry!"

I wiped his tears away and gave him a supportive smile... I hope it made him melt.

" Here, I got you a hude teddy bear for you! I called it, Macky"

"Aww thanks babe."

I took Macky and gave Harry a small kiss.

" I missed that. Can I have one more please?"

" shut up!"

"Ok, go get change, we're heading out. And I'm getting more kisses then."

I hitted him playfully and pulled him in the house.

He waited for me in the living room while I went in to change into a super cute dress and classy boots.

"I don't like that. I love that!"

Harry stood up coming closer to me and hugged me spinning round.

"Lets go?"  " Sure!"


YAY!!! Another boring chapter -.- i think so too.... But keep reading..? Thnx LaLaLuvU ~'~ <3

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