Chapter 3

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 Chapter 3

Its already 11 in the evening, wow such a long date. I was just waiting for a phone call from Harry to see how  his date went. I was sneezing a lot, I think its from the AC this afternoon. Then, I heard loud music coming from my neighbor.

"Here we go again." I whispered to myself. I walked over to Yreen's house and knocked on her door. BOOM! super loud music came as she opens the door, " Ohh hey! Your late for the party!" She said , " Im not invited and i dont wanna so, just keep the volumn a bit low?" i told her smiling to her, " Sure. Just come if I have a next party." she winked at me n closed the door shouting" Yo, Ric! Lower the volumn! "

Yreen was nice to me, she was more like the party girl but she knows what is right and wrong. Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrated. " Harry? What! Ok Im coming." I put back my phone to my pocket and ran to the park. 

I slow down as I saw Harry sitting in the middle of a bridge, kicking litted candles to the river. As I step one step closer to the bridge he said,"She didnt come." He must have knew i was there since a little crack came when i stepped on the bridge.

" Harry, dont cry." I said as I took my tissue out and gave him one. He was crying hard. I went closer to him and gave him a warm hug. 

" Forget about her." I said as I slowly let go and took a pack of lays out of the basket. We were talking about the most random things in the world while kicking those candles to the river, Laughing about how his shoe almost got burned.Thank god he stopped crying.


Thank you who ever read this. Its short but Ill try Mehh best to make it long again .. :) LaLaLuvU~~

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