Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Harry was super silent after what that little girl said, why is he like this. Does he have feelings for.. me? I love him, as a friend. I never thought we will be more than friends. And.. Thinking of this is making me think of all the cute things me and Harry have done together since 12.

" Cass?" He said.(THANKS GOD! He stopped this awkward silence!!) "Ya, whats up?" I asked him giving a nervous smile." We should join X Factor!" He said putting his hands on my shoulder. WHAT!!

" Harry I dont know .. I.."  he cutted me," Come on, Cass. Your very talented and i know you could make it." he said showing his dimples out, I almost felt like melting as harry was staring straight to my eyes, making me a bit weak. Cass! Wake up! He's your Bestfriend! I shooked my head as harry slowly letting my shoulders cold again. He was still staring at me. I slowly looked up to him. Giving him a curious look. I wasnt curious, I knew exactly how he felt.

" I ahh, Im sorry Cass." he said looking away and took his phone out." Hey my mom wants you to come over dinner. You wanna come?" He said giving me a "Yes Please!" look. " Ahh ok?" I said giving a hi 5. His smile was making my walk away. His smile was priceless!!! 


OHH NOO!! Harry STRIKES AGAIN!! Nth beats his smile ;) Nxt chapter coming soon!!

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