Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 


-2 years later-

"Cass! Stop staring at the TV!"


"Ya Cass. He's not even cute."

"Shut up Jacky!"

Why cant I live alone?

"Kk fine! But why are you wasting your time,Cass? Go find him!"

"How the hell could I find him here! Its USA not UK !"

"Ahh! I told you! You wanna find him!"

Renz Hi-5 Jacky. Why lord why!

"Ok fine." Jacky hugged me from the side," look. Harry is like a mega hit now. Its not hard to track him down."

"Whoahh Jacky. Stalking again huh?"

Jacky gave a death glare to Renz.

"Jacky. Renz. I know you wanna help me but its not like it will work. I mean come on track him down? Possible but insane!"

"And now. Please welcome..ONE DIRECTION!!"

Crowd going crazy. Girls of course. We three watch 5 boys slowing appearing on stage. There he was. My bestfriend.My so-like dad...

My ex Boyfriend...

Your insecure. 

Dont know what for.

I watch them walk forward. Spotlights going crazy.

Baby you light up my world like nobody else.

Suddenly, high pitch screaming from my annoying bestfriends.

"Stop screaming you idiots!" I scold.

"OMG!! ZAYN IS HHAAWWTT!!!" Renz shouted.

God. I wish my neighbor could throw a shoe at her.

Suddenly a shoe came flying in and headshot Renz.

K.. I didnt mean it.

"Ouch!OK! I'll shut up neighbor!"

Here it comes. Harry's solo.

Baby you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed.

Why is he shaking? Harry never is nervous..Why?

Harry's POV


I fell down the couch hard. Whats with me?

"Hey bro. Its fine. You did well."

"No Niall. I didnt. I was nervous. But why am I ?"

"Does it have to do with that girl.Cass right?"

Louis.. Shut up.

Zayn came in and did a smart look.

"Ohh ya! Bro your nervous cause she moved here and she might be watching you!"

Yay.Zayn.You. Dick.

I run my hand through my hair.

"Dont worry Harry. Liam will make you happy."

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