Major Arcana

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WALKING OUT into the living room Indiana repeats to Magnus and Jace,
"I know where my mother hid the Cup." Grin on her face,
"Come again?" Jace turns round, almost getting whiplash, as he look at Indiana shocked,
"The tarot cards. My mom, she must have painted them years ago, but the Mortal Cup has to be hidden inside the Ace of Cups.
The card looks exactly like it." She smiles widely,
"Wait, why aren't you guys happy about this? All we have to do is find Dot." The omega trails off disappointedly realising the reasoning behind their glum faces,
"If Dot had the cards when she was taken, we don't have much time. If Valentine gets his hands on the Cup-" Jace's explanation is cut off by Magnus.

"We know. If Valentine started creating Shadowhunters or gained control of demons, it'd be like Beyonce riding on a dinosaur through Times Square. People would notice." Magnus states as he circles Indiana,
"But he can control demons. I've seen it." Clary says confusedly,
"Mmm, paying off a few demons is easy, especially since they rarely survive long enough to collect." Magnus corrects the Beta,
"Still waiting on Valentine's thank-you card." Jace jokes raising his eyebrows at Indiana,
"Opening the gates of hell that's a little more tricky." Magnus steps closer to Indiana placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Valentine doesn't have the cards. I do." Luke states,
"They're in my desk back at the precinct.
When Clary went missing, I went to the loft and I cleared everything out, 'cause I didn't want the Circle to track her." The werewolf continues,
"That's great. This should be easy." Clary assumes,
"Hmm, that's what General Custer said." Magnus took a seat on his couch as his knowledge showed his age.

"Magnus is right. Valentine has spies everywhere, even in the NYPD. We have to be discreet." Luke directs the group,
"Discreet? You look like something out of The Mummy movie." Clary cuts him off causing Magnus to giggle lowly,
"We'll go in the morning. Werewolf healing, remember? This is nothing a couple of hours of beauty sleep can't fix." Luke assures the group.

Jace and Indiana exchange hopeful and determined glances, both desperate to secure the cup. And on Indiana's side, kill Valentine.


The sound of sirens wailing got louder as the group of four got closer to the police station,
"All right, cards are on my desk. It shouldn't take long." Luke said clad in his police uniform,
"All right." Jace said moving forward only to be stopped by Luke,
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. It'll be easier to avoid unnecessary attention if I do this alone." He explains before making his way into the police station,
"We'll wait here." Clary confirms,
"It sounded boring anyway." Jace muttered getting a grin out of Indiana.

Clary stands off to the side as Jace closes in on Indiana,
"I haven't really had a chance to ask, but how are you?" He said, the car in his eyes forcing the truth out.

"Not good." She sighs, "I know you want wanna hear this, but when I'm not with Magnus I feel scared, like I'm gonna be attacked, it lessens when I'm with you and Alec, but with Magnus, it's not there." She says, her eyes pleading for him not to be mad.

"Look, you went through a hard time and Magnus helped, it's in your Omega instincts to feel safer around him. But me and Alec, we will always have your back Little Red." He says surely, entranced Indiana begins to lean in-

"I've got a bad feeling about this. What is taking him so long?" Clary asks interrupting the moment between the Alpha and Omega.
"I know a way we could find out. Just go in and see for ourselves." Jace slips his cocky exterior back on as he replies,
"Luke told us to stay put, so that's what we're gonna do." Clary snaps,

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