Raising Hell

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INDIANA TOSSED and turned in her sleep, the rope on a younger version of herself wrist was pulled tight,
"Mom, I don't wanna do this." Younger Indiana cried,
"She won't be a child forever, Jocelyn." A man said to her mother ignoring the cries of the young girl,
"For now, I don't want her part of our world." Jocelyn replied to the man before a blue glow came out of his hand and into her head.

Gasping she flung herself up to see Jace and Alec on her bed, a sense of safety flowed over her,

"Hey. It's okay, we're here." Alec soothed,
"You're safe." Jace stated

"Jace, Alec." She breathed in relief,
"What?" The two figures said in unison, Indiana blinked and Simon and Clary now sat in the place of Alec and Jace.
"You all right? You still seem kind of freaked." Clary asked her twin,
"Simon. Clary." The shorter twin said in confusion,
"Hey. We got you."
"You're okay." They comforted.

"Must have been one hell of a nightmare." Simon thought out loud,
"You have no idea. I was strapped to this piece of furniture and my mom was there.
She kept telling this guy to protect me, but then he reached his hand into my skull and fucking ripped out my brain." Indiana informs them.

"Hello, Freddy Krueger." Simon wondered,
"No shit Simon. What are you two doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be in the infirmary?" She aimed the end of the sentence towards Simon.

"Uh, I just really needed to see you both." Simon explained to the girl
"We are so sorry that our messed up life put you in danger." Clary said speaking for both twins,
"I'm fine." He reassures the two of them,
"No, if those vampires fucking hurt you I couldn't live with myself. Shit Si, you're all we've got left." Indiana vocalises her thoughts unaware of the two presences that lurked in the door way. Sharing a look they left, hands and teeth clenched.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm totally grateful that your friends got me out before the vampires drained me like a Big Gulp.
But how well do you know this Jace guy? Or Alec? Can you trust them?" Simon expressed his concern for both the twins, especially Indiana who seemed to be getting too close for comfort to his best friend.

"I think so." Clary said
"Yes." Indiana firmly stated,
"I mean, he saved my life and yours." Clary ignored her sister and reasoned with Simon,
"True. But I was thinking all of this craziness started the minute Indi got kidnapped by him at Pandemonium.
You think that's just a coincidence?" Simon theorised.

"I know it was and I trust them okay. But that doesn't even matter because all I know is I have to get my memories back. I need to know who I really am. Maybe Maybe I know where my mom hid the Cup, hell maybe I even hid the cup and if I could just remember I could save her. I just I wanna put all of this behind me. But I don't know this world. I don't even know where to start looking, but they do. So we trust them, 'cause I'm-I'm just lost." Indiana panics as her eyes well up.

Simon grabs her hands in his as Clary looks on them in jealousy,
"Hey Okay. Look, start with what we know, okay? We know that dreams are remnants of memories." Simon states,
"Right. Yeah." Indiana confirms.

"You saw your mom in the nightmare, before the guy was reaching into your brain." Simon starts with all the information they already know.
"Yeah, she... she called him Magnus.
I mean, it's completely random, I never-" Indiana is cut off by Simon,
"Magnus Bane?"
"Maybe. Why? How do you know that name?" Indiana questions him.

"I heard it from the vampire. You know, the shockingly hot one." At Indiana's look he apologises, "it was Sorry, uh, Camille She was super pissed at this Magnus Bane guy when I told her that someone took your memories." Indiana tries to hide a small gasp at the name Camille but never the less is happy at the outcome.

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