Dust And Shadows

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INDIANA WAKES UP with a pounding headache, still clad in yesterday's cloths. For a moment she's okay but then she remembers, remembers why she's at Magnus' instead of the institute, remembers she killed her mother.

Her face falls as fresh tears form in her eyes. A sob escapes her throat and seconds later a pair of arms wrap themselves around her.
"Shh Kitten. It's okay, its gonna be okay." Magnus' soothing voice whispered.

"No. It's not." Indiana forced the words out turning to face Magnus.
"I killed my mother Magnus. That's never going to change." She chokes out.

"You were possessed. You had no choice. You didn't kill Jocelyn, the demon did." Magnus consoled her.
"Mag, how can you expect me to live with myself with what I've done?" Indiana asks.
"This feeling is never going away." Indiana whispers.

"Oh Kitten." Magnus whispers.
"You know what the last thing I was to my mom was? I said I'm glad you're going to Idris because you'll be far away from me. I to,d her I didn't trust her. And then I killed her." Indiana retched leaning over the As she was sick.

Magnus carried her to the bathroom, held her hair back and rubbed her back as she was sick. Sick of her words, sick of actions, sick of herself.

Half an hour later, when Indiana finally stopped puking, she sat her back against the bathroom wall.
"Alec text me. I know you won't want to hear this but Valentine has the Soul-Sword. He slaughtered the Silent Brothers." Magnus informed her.
"I'm not going back. I can't." Indiana shook her head.

"That's fine. You can stay with me." Magnus offers and Indiana nods in thanks.

A knock sounds at the door. Magnus holds up a finger saying 'one minute' before heading out and answering it.
Indiana listens as he opens the door, it's Clary. Clary asking for a way to bring their mother back.
Tears course hotly down her face.
She hears Magnus deny Clary before Magnus begins talking about his own mother and how she killed herself because he was the son of a demon. Tears for her mother stop and tears for Magnus start.
Indiana feels like she can't breath.

"Losing your mom, it's not something you make better with magic. You just head straight into it and cry your eyes out." Magnus states.
Indiana can't take it. She throws off her jumper stained with vomit, leaving her in a tank top and jeans before climbing out the window.

She couldn't stay there and listen to Magnus talk about how he'd lost his own mother, not when she was responsible for the death of hers.

Indiana stumbles around for an hour or two before she sees a bar. 'Hunters moon'.
Indiana enters, a drink could make it go away.

Indiana heads straight to the bar on weak legs.
"Indiana?" She hears a voice from behind her ask. Turning round she sees a platinum haired werewolf.
"Gretel." Indiana tries to smile but there's no hiding the pain.
"Are you okay? I heard about the attack-" Gretel starts but Indiana's sob cuts her off.

"Can I just get a drink please?" Indiana begs flagging for a bar tender.
Maia stops in front of her.
"I'm not serving you." She states and Indiana gets up.

"Where are you going?" Gretel asks.
"Somewhere that will give me alcohol." Indiana states longingly. She just needs to forget.

"Not a chance." Taito says stopping in front of her.
"Not in the state you're in." He continues.

"I just gotta forget okay." Indiana begs as arms wrap around her. Gretel's arms.

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