The Iron Sisters

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IT WAS LATE at night, or early in the morning, when Indiana arrived at the institute. She hadn't gone back to Magnus', couldn't bring herself to. So instead she'd spent the night wondering around aimlessly.
Her life was a mess. And it was her fault.

Hadn't spoken to Alec or Jace in days, though it didn't surprise her that they didn't want her around. Hadn't seen her sister in a while either, she's frozen Simon out too.
Her life was a mess. And it was her fault.
And she couldn't fix it.

In her tattered white dress she climbed through the window of her room at the institute and stopped.
There was Jace and Alec sitting on her bed. This is it she thought, they were going to formally end things with her. And that might be good.

"Little Red, where have you been?" Alec said walking straight towards her, pulling her into a hug.
"We were so worried." Jace added.

Indiana's lips shook.
"So you don't hate me?" Indiana started.
"You're not disgusted by me?" She whispered quietly.

The two men shared a look.
"Indiana, never." Was all Jace said before the girl burst into sobs.
"I... Ive been through a lot lately and I don't think I'm in the right frame of mind to commit to anything." Indiana whispered.
"I'm sorry." She finished tears reappearing in her eyes. By the angel she liked Alec and Jace but Indiana needed to sought herself out first. She needed time.
"It's okay." Alec whispered before he and Jace vacated her room.
Indiana laid down in her bed until the sun rose.

Indiana was sat with Jace, Alec and Clary searching through the Gray book for the rune Clary had used.
"Yeah, I'm not seeing it in the Gray Book." Jace stated with annoyance.
"Well, isn't that thing supposed to have every single rune?" Clary asked.
"Some of them are removed. They're reserved for the most elite members of the Clave." Alec told her. Indiana stayed quiet, she couldn't look at her sister.
"I'm not exactly elite, so why do I know it?" Clary asked and Indiana then spoke.

"Valentine told me something on the ship, I was sworn to secrecy by the Inquisitor." She stated.
"I don't even know if it's true." She finished.

"What did he say?" Clary asked.
"It cannot leave this room." Indiana states before sighing.
"He told me than was pregnant with us, he injected her with ichor." Indiana explained.
"Angel blood." Alec whispered.

"I don't know if it's true but if it is then that might be why you're seeing runes that aren't in the book." Indiana muttered.

Everyone was silent.
"Or maybe you saw it somewhere and you don't remember." Jace tried to diffuse the situation.
"No, it just... It appeared, like a vision. Like someone or something was trying to send me a message. Maybe it's from our mom." Clary finished, looking at Indiana who quickly looked away.
"Clary..." Alec trailed off.
"You know, I'll just go ask Izzy. Maybe she'll  know something." Clary tried.

"No. Absolutely not. If you tell anyone else, they could be in danger, too. The Clave is quick to persecute anyone or anything they don't understand." Alec said quickly, protective of his sister.

Izzy entered and Indiana, Alec and Jace were quick to disappear.
They were headed to the training room when Aldertree beckoned Indiana.
"Later." Indiana promised.

The two walked briskly to his office.
"Indiana, the Inquisitor has asked me to check on you. Have you seen anymore signs?" He asked. Indiana simply shook her head.
"I've only seen the signs in times of fear or pain, there aren't too many of those here at the institute." Indiana explains and Aldertree nods.
"I see."

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