Rhodey finished my braid and tugged on it. "I'm done. Do you want to head out now?"

I got up. "Yeah, let's go. Are we taking the subway?"

"No, it's only a few blocks away," Rhodey replied. When I reached for my wallet, Rhodey said, "Don't bother paying. I'll get the paycheck."

I shrugged and we left. We walked down the streets, talking about a lot it things. We got to the diner and it was a cute little place. We were seated and handed our menus. I read through the menu, looking for anything that looked good. I looked up after a moment to see Rhodey staring at me with a loving smile.

"You're the best person I have ever met," Rhodey said. "I am very appreciative that you've stuck around after the accident."

"Of course I would stay around," I said. "You're one of my best friends and my boyfriend."

Rhodey smiled and shook his head. "I still can't believe Fury is your dad. Is that what no one knew much about you and why you're so private?"

I nodded. "Dad taught me my entire life to be a ghost, to disappear into the crowds. He was always gone and I didn't know anything else. He did a good job though. He made sure I was cared for and that I knew he loved me more than anything."

"He's a strong-willed man," Rhodey said. "He's certainly intimidating which is why I paused earlier. To know that he's your dad had me thrown off."

I laughed softly. "He is. He scared off anyone he deemed unworthy. But he likes you and he approves of you. He even asked if we going to get married one day."

"Are we?"

I gave him a bewildered look. "What?"

"Are we going to get married?" Rhodey asked.

I shrugged. "I hope so. I hadn't thought about marriage a lot but I feel like I'm at home with you. Like I don't need a room, you know?"

Rhodey closed his menu. "You know we'd have to move in together before that, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I think I'm ready now. I wasn't before, when you asked before in the hospital, but now I am. I want to move in with you, Rhodey."

Rhodey nodded. "Okay. We can start looking for apartments soon."

"Dad's got a place outside of New York," I replied. "He's rarely there and he stays in other places so it'll be fine. It's a lovely country house with a barn and two stories. What do you think?"

Rhodey shrugged. "It sounds nice but your dad owns it?"

I nodded. "He was held up there for a few years after the attempt on his life but he has a different place now. He stills owns it though. We can check it out later."

"Call him up," Rhodey said. "We can check it out today."

I started getting up. "I'll be out for a second. I want chocolate chip pancakes with a side of hash browns and sausage links."

I went outside and called Nick. We talked for a few minutes and he gave us permission to go to the house in the country. We talked for probably about fifteen minutes before I went back inside. The food was at the table but Rhodey hadn't touched his food.

I sat down. "Not hungry or anything?"

"I wanted to wait for you," Rhodey replied. "What did Fury say?"

"He said we could go," I answered. "I'll have a Quinjet ready when we get to the base. I have to pick up some paperwork there."

"Does it have a ramp?" Rhodey asked.

I bit my lip, thinking for a moment. "Yeah, it does. Dad needed one after the attack. Most of the rooms are upstairs but there's one downstairs. It has a queen bed."

Rhodey started poking at his food. "It sounds like a nice house."

"But . . ."

Rhodey pointed his fork at me as he chewed. "But it's your dad's house. I don't think I want to live there when he is."

"Did you not hear what I said?" I asked. "He lives somewhere else. He just owns the place. No one's been living there since Dad left."

Rhodey nodded, thinking. "Okay. That makes it a bit better."

I rolled my eyes and stared at my food. It was quiet for a moment before Rhodey grabbed my arm.

"I'm sure the house is a perfect fit for us," Rhodey said. "I need to talk to Tony before we leave tonight."

"About the braces?" I asked.

"Yeah," Rhodey replied. "Tony finished them so I should be able to start wearing them for physical therapy soon."

I brightened up. "That's great! When are you going to start physical?"

"Within the week," Rhodey replied. "Once I get the braces on, of course."

"Do you want me to be there for the first one?" I asked.

Rhodey nodded. "That would be great, Charlie, thank you."

We finished eating and Rhodey paid before we left. As we walked toward the Tower, we talked, occasionally making a joke. I couldn't keep a smile off of my face.

We got to the Tower and Rhodey left my side. I called Dad to clear up some questions I had and talk to him. We talked for probably about half an hour before I said goodbye. I did some work in the Tower before I got a call from Rhodey.

"Hey," I greeted. "What's up?"

"I'm done with Tony," Rhodey replied. "Do you have a Quinjet ready?"

"I will in a second," I replied. "It'll take about a half-hour. You don't mind waiting, do you?"

"Not at all," Rhodey replied. "It'll give me more time to work with the braces. They fit fine."

"Just fine?" I asked.

"They'll work for physical therapy," Rhodey answered. "I couldn't walk but I could definitely move my legs a little."

"That's great!" I replied. "I can't wait to see what else you can do."

Rhodey paused and I could faintly hear Tony in the background. "I guess I'll see you in a second, baby. I love you."

I hung up before I could answer. I hadn't said those words to Rhodey yet and I was too scared to say them aloud. I loved Rhodey a great deal and I couldn't imagine a world where I wasn't with Rhodey. But I couldn't bring myself to say it back. I didn't know why. I just couldn't. Not yet, at least.

Mistakes Were Made (Avengers/James Rhodes)Where stories live. Discover now