Better together

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A/N- okay so I lied, I'll try to make most of the chapters starkid references in general okay enjoy and please comment


I went up to Annabeth, Ginny and I's room to.  See if Annabeth was okay after the whole Trelawney thing, as soon as Trelawney started spouting the old prophecies I knew this couldn't turn out well. 

By the end percy and annabeth were both crying and leaning on us, all of us were pretty sad and guilty after it, being reminded of all the lives lost because of what we had done, and what had happened.

"Hey Annabeth, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay now.  It's just so hard hearing them all at once so suddenly and being reminded of all of that.  I just want to move on from everything and live a happy life with percy for as long as we can."

"Yeah, I cant imagine going through all if that, then being reminded of  everything. Oh I have to go meet with Harry and Ron to try and get them to not be so suspicious of you. I'll see you later Annabeth."

I left my room to go to the common room.

"Hey harry, Ron, sorry I'm late I was studying."

"That's okay Hermione we didnt discuss much without you."

"So what makes you so suspicious of them Harry."

"Well, they act sort of strange sometimes."

"So, what do you mean, Luna acts strange too doesnt she, what's so different about the Americans."

"Its hard to explain, they act like their hiding something and are very secretive."

"Aren't we secretive though."

"Well yes but-"

"That doesn't make us bad, what else have you got."

"Well its divination, they acting strangely when Trelawney was saying the prophecys, and they sounded pretty bad and used weird words.  Do you think their going to be okay, with all of those prophecies and all."

"Harry relax, their fine, they acted like that because of the people they lost and all of the prophecies said are over."

"How are you sure."

"Oh, um, they reassured me that they had already completed them."

Harry POV

"Wait, they went through ALL of those prophecies!?"

I couldn't beleive it, I had only been in one prophecy and technically died, I couldn't imagine going through 8 prophecies, and surviving!

Those prophecies sounded pretty bad too.

"really!? All of them went through those prophecies?"

"Well they all went on at least 2 of the prophecies, Percy was in the middle of all of them but two, but he was still  involved in one of those, and annabeth has gone through all but 2 as well."

I couldn't imagine what that must be like, I kind of get why they had that reaction now.  But the prophecies still didnt make much sense.  I mean Athenas daughter, underworld, it sounded familiar but I didnt know from where.

"Okay bye hermione."


Okay, so I know I told harry to cool it on the Americans and not to jump to conclusions, but that whole divination thing was kind of suspicious.

It wasnt just that, Hermione would probably have a reasonable explanation for it, but I'm pretty sure I saw a black mark on a few of their arms.

I didn't get a good look, but it looked like it could be a dark mark.  When they noticed I saw it, they quickly covered it up.  That was really suspicious. 

"Hey Harry."


"I actually do think theres something off about the Americans."

"What is it?"

"Well how they acted in divination, that was really strange."

"Don't worry Ron, Hermione told me all of the prophecies have passed, although all of the Americans have been involved in at least 2, hence the reaction."

Oh, I had no idea, it must be terrible, now I kind of get the reaction.

"Yeah but the prophecies sounded strange, Mark of Athena?  Doors of Death? What even are those things?"

"I do have to agree with you on that one."

"It gets worse, I saw a black mark on some of their arms, it looked like a dark mark, but I didnt get a good look, because as soon as they saw me they covered it up."

"That is really suspicious."

Annabeth POV

I got an IM from Chiron


"Oh, hey Chiron, what do you need."

"It is time to reveal yourselves to the wizards, I know its early but they are suspicious, and I'm afraid theres no other way out."

"Okay I'll let the others know."

I found the other demigods, "Hey Chiron wants us to reveal ourselves tonight at dinner."

I got a chime of okays.

So it's settled, we'll reveal ourselves tonight.

A/N- again sorry for not updating, I've had band camp and been really busy.  Please comment and continue reading, I'd really love to see some comments so I can interact with you better and see your reactions to things.  Sorry for the short chapter, vote and comment please

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