Let the Training Begin

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A/N- (if there's any dumb spelling mistakes it's probably because I'm on my tablet which is dumb sometimes because it's really old, sorry for not updating for so long I just found my tablet and this is the best I cm do rn)


   Harry pov

After Percy woke up we helped him to the infirmary so Madam Pomfery could make sure he was okay and there was no lasting damage to him. After Madam Pomfery checked him up she smiled and said, "Well Percy you seem to be overall okay. Don't use your powers for a little while if you can help it, you're still much too weak for that and even small things might wipe you out. Don't worry you haven't lost any of your ability to use your powers you just need time to recover. We'll keep you monitored here for a few days to allow you to regain some of your strength and to make sure nothing else happens."

We were all happy to hear that although Percy didn't feel great about the whole no powers thing though he knew he couldn't do anything right now anyways.

A few days passed and Percy was out of the infirmary and things had started looking up. Percy was back in his classes and the demigods combat class was about to start it's lessons.

Me, Hermione and Ron headed into the class the demigod were using for their first lesson. When we walked in there was a rack of a bunch of different weapons to use and a sort of arena in the middle of the classroom. Along with a chair in the far corner of the arena. In the sides of the classroom there were also what looked to be training dummies. We arrived early so we were the first ones in. Shortly after we walked in Percy and Annabeth walked in. Annabeth saw the look on our faces. Ron and I had looks of amazement while Hermione just looked very excited and happy, "Like our setup?"

Ron looked around more, "Yeah it looks great!"

Annenbeth pointed outside the side of the arena area, "go ahead and stand over there. Hermione do you still have your dagger?"

" Of course I do. "

"Perfect, but just for today I need you to find a sword over there. We'll need your help to demonstrate since Percy's still out of commission."

Ron looked over to the chair in the corner, "Is that what the chair is for?"

"Yeah, I'm not exactly cleared to fight yet, I've got about another week before Pomfery will even consider letting me spar, let alone with Annabeth."

Annenbeth gently nudged his side playfully, "Oh come on Seaweed brain. Even if Madam Pomfery did give you the okay you've still got to get me to say yes. Anyways You guys go ahead and go over there."

We walked over to where Annabeth directed us earlier. After a short time everyone filtered in.

Annenbeth walked into the middle of the arena area in front of us, "Hi everyone, my name is Annabeth and over in the chair is Percy, don't call us professors because we're your age so that's weird and also technically were students too. I just decided to propose this class to Dumbledore for important reasons you don't need to know or worry about. Percy here is a master swordsman and has fought against many powerful enemies. However due to a recent medical emergency which has since been resolved he currently cannot spar or demonstrate. Not to worry though he will be cleared soon. He just needed some time to regain energy and recuperate. Don't think he will just sit in his chair doing nothing though because he will be giving you guys tips and pointers as well as overall reviews after your spars. Now today we will primarily be working on finding you a weapon."

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