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The sorting was strange, the exchange students all got sorted into Gryffindor.  I mean I'm not complaining, but it's pretty weird.

Went to the common room.  The password this year was Graecus.  This year they added some beds because apparently we were rooming with the new kids.

I went to the common room to meet Harry. 

"Hey Ron, theres something strange about the exchange students don't you think?"

"Well, yeah I guess."

"Seems kind of suspicious to me."

"Harry the war is over, you don't have to worry about that stuff anymore.  How about we keep an eye on them and if we see anything we'll write it down somehwere and make a list.  Then once we have enough evidence, if their up to something, we'll take care of it.  In the mean time let's just try to have a normal year.  We don't want to jump to conclusions."

"Yeah I guess your right, that actually sounds like a good plan."

I'm just glad I could talk some sense into Harry, it feels like he's still on the edge, like theres a threat just around the corner.

Harry POV

Me and Ron talked about the ES yesterday.  It felt good to talk about it and he really helped me calm down and think rationally.

We all had Divination first today.  Everyone arrived in the classroom.  I warned the Americans that Trelawney would probably predict their deaths, and not to worry about it too much.

"Hello students, welcome to divination. As you know this class does not depend on textbooks, but rather using your inner eye."

Trelawney was totally crazy.  I mean, I would never do something like Umbridge did and fire her and kick her out of the school, because don't get me wrong, shes a good teacher.  Just kind of crazy.

She went up to Percy and said, "You, I sense water. Oh yes, you will die by trying to escape water."

He had a kind of confused look on his face.  Then Trelawney went up to Frank, "You will die due to poor preparation for a war, as will you."  She pointed to Annabeth.

They both looked kind of angry at her.

"And you young girl." 

She went up to Piper.

"I see a great heartbreak in your future, yes, yes.  Someone you love deeply will break your heart."

She glanced at Jason and gave him a confused and worried look. He gave her a reassuring look.

Speaking of Jason, she went to him next.

"You will die in the midst of a storm."

She was about to go to Becca when suddenly her eyes went blank.  All of the exchange students either looked angry or confused at her.

She said in a raspy voice, " You shall go west and face the God who has turned,
You shall find what was stolen and see it returned,"

When she started saying this Annabeth and Percy tensed up.

"You shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned,

You shall be betrayed by one who calls you friend,

"And you shall fail to save what matters most in the end."

I dont know much about prophecys, but I think that was one.

Percy and Annabeth looked nervously at eachother.

Trelawney continued,

"You shall sail the iron ship with warriors of bone
You shall find what you seek and make it your own
But despair for your life entombed within stone
And fail without friends to fly home alone."

"Five shall go west to the goddess in chains
One shall be lost in the land without rain
The bane of olympus shows the trail
Campers and hunters cobine prevail
And one shall perish by a parents hand."

Percy and Annabeth had small tears going down their face at that one.

"You shall delve in the darkness of the endless maze
The dead the traitor and the last one raise
You shall rise or fall by the ghost kings hand
The child of athenas final stand
Destroy with a heros last breath
And lose a love worse than death."

Hermione and Ginnys eyes widened.

"A halfblood of the eldest gods
Shall reach 16 against all odds
And see the world in endless sleep
The heros soul cursed blade shall reap
A single choice shall end his days
Olympus preserve or raze."

"Child of lightning beware the earth"

At this Jason, Piper, and Leo tensed up and seemed to realize what was going on, though I didn't.

"The giants revenge the seven shall birth
The forge and dove shall break the cage
And death unleash through heras rage"

"Go to Alaska
Find Thanatos and free him
Come back by sundown on June 24th
Or die."

I think that was still a prophecy, but it was oddly straightforward, when she said this all of them were tense, percy and annabeth were silently crying.

"To the north beyond the gods
Lies the legions crown
Falling from ice the son of neptune shall drown."

Now they were all huddled together around percy and annabeth protectively, hiding them from veiw.

"Wisdoms daughter walks alone
The mark of athena burns through rome
Twins snuff out the Angel's breath
Who holds the key to endless death
Giants bane stands gold and pale
Won through pain from a woven jail."

Now you could hear someone crying, we still couldnt tell what they were doing though.

"7 halfbloods shall awnser the call
To storm or fire the world must fall
An oath to keep with a final breath,"

Leo cringed at that line.

"And does bear arms hot the doors of death."

Trelawney seemed to snap out of it and asked,

"Oh, dear what happened."

Everyone in the classroom looked shocked except for the Americans, they looked defensive, except for percy and annabeth, they were still hidden out of sight.

Becca stepped up and said, "I'm sorry none of us can continue taking this class, you have insulted us, and upset us, I dont care if it's still on your schedual, none of us will be returning."

She then knocked over a crystal ball, much like hermione did our 3rd year, and some of them helped up percy and annabeth and supported them on their way down.

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