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Eminem's song popped into my head as I sat waiting to go into court.

Palms sweaty. Knees weak.

I felt so sick it was ridiculous. I was scared and nothing I did could help me calm down. Yoongi and Hoseok were at my side but I just wanted to run away and pretend that the court case wasn't about to happen. In a way, I just wished that Taehyung was there but unfortunately, he had no choice but to sit in with a class who were taking an exam. I hoped that once the exam was finished he could get to the courthouse and be there for when it finished.

But I had a feeling the case would be a few hours long. Especially if I was going to have a panic attack before I even stepped inside the room.

"I will be ok, sweetie," Yoongi said wiping the sweat from my hand with a tissue, "Just take a deep breath and remember, you need to do this,"

"I agree," Hoseok said, "That man can't be allowed to walk the street,"

"I'll be ok," I said quietly, "I can do it,"

"Good girl," Hoseok smiled and kissed my forehead, "You don't need to be scared of him anymore. You have us supporting you. Namjoon and Jimin are in there to give a statement. I need my favourite girl to be strong. Just like you used to be,"

"What if I suddenly can't get my words out?" I said, starting to panic, "What if he looks at me and I tell the court that everything was a lie?"

"You won't," Yoongi said firmly, "Because that isn't the girl we know. You fight for what you believe in. You have never given up on us, or your students, so now is not the time to give up on yourself,"

"I'm so scared," I said trying not to cry, "I'm scared,"

My friends put their arms around me and sighed.

"We understand," Hoseok said, "Do you remember when we were younger, Yoongi and I were attacked because we were gay?"

"Of course," I said quietly, "That's not something I can forget,"

"And you sat outside with us like this, telling us that we had to fight back at those who hate on others? Fight those who hated us because we were gay," Yoongi said, "You were the ones that gave us strength, Hana. You looked after us and made us realise that people like that aren't to be feared,"

"It's our turn to look after you," Hoseok said, "It doesn't matter how scared you are because that man will never hurt you again. You need to realise that he isn't someone who is scary. The man is a coward and he needs to go down for what he did to you,"

"What if he-" I began.

"Jin won't do shit," Yoongi said, "The man is a fucking idiot and I will do everything in my power to help bring him down. You don't deserve to live in fear, Hana. You deserve a happy carefree life without having to worry about looking over your shoulder with every step you take,"

I swallowed the painful lump in my throat, "I'll try to be strong"

"Try?" Hoseok said, "Honey, you better be strong or I won't get Yoongi to take us out for dinner when the case has been sorted,"

"I will take her not you," Yoongi said.

"But babe!" Hoseok complained.

"Don't babe me," Yoongi said, "Are you ready to go in, or do you need a few more minutes?"

I took a deep, shaky breath and got to my feet, "I should go in there before I decide to make a run for it,"

Yoongi smiled, "Then I'll get Hoseok to chase you because I don't run,"

I nodded and they held my hands as we walked across the corridor and into the courtroom. I could feel my stomach turn but I had to keep it together. My friends were right. I needed to be strong and Jin couldn't get away with what he did to me.

Jimin and Namjoon smiled softly when we sat beside them and Namjoon squeezed my shoulder.

"Don't worry, Hana," He said, "We've got your back,"

"Taehyung messaged me earlier," Jimin said, "He said that as soon as the exam is finished, he will get here as quickly as he can. Just remember that you are better than Jin. You have all the evidence against him and he's got shit,"

"He can't defend himself," Hoseok said, "Even if he pledges he is crazy, he won't get away with it,"

"Miss Yoon?" My lawyer said walking over to me, "Can you sit with me upfront, please? I'd like to go through a few more things before the judge gets here,"

"Of course," I said moving next to him, "When is-"

"Don't worry about him, Miss Yoon," My lawyer smiled, "I am here to look after you and make sure that man doesn't come near you again. If he doesn't get jail time that doesn't matter. He won't be able to teach anymore and the restraining order against him will mean he will keep his distance or risk going to jail,"

"What if I freeze up there?"

"Don't worry, Miss Yoon," She said, "I'm here to help you remember. I will guide you when you get stuck or scared. If it helps, don't look at him. I have had cases like this before and I know my way around the courtroom,"

I felt my blood run cold when I heard Jin's voice and I glanced over at the table he was now sat at. Beside him was his lawyer and I had to force myself to look away from Jin as I saw him smirk at me.

I closed my eyes and clenched my fists. I couldn't let him scare me into submission anymore. My friends were right. I always fought for others so it was time I did it for myself. I had to stay strong and rely on my lawyer and friends for support. 

"Are you ok, Miss Yoon?" My lawyer said and I looked at her, "Did you want to take a breather?"

I shook my head, "No. It's about time this comes to an end,"

A/N: Jeez, it's been a while since I've updated this. But don't expect another update on this one today. If I do update this today, then congratulations because I've jumped over the brick wall instead of running face-first into it.

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Stay weird hoes <33

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