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I woke up and felt disorientated. I sat up too quickly and gasped loudly as pain shot through my body. Tears pricked my eyes and I took a deep breath, trying to relax so I didn't cry. I was so done with crying.

When the pain subsided, I swung my legs slowly out of bed and I stood up. I bit into my lip as my body creaked when I walked to the chair by the end of the bed. I grabbed Hoseok's jumped and pulled it on over my head before walking gingerly downstairs.

I could hear Hoseok and Yoongi talking to each other but I couldn't make out their words. I pushed the door open and stepped into the kitchen, making them look at me. They both sent me soft smiles and Hoseok helped me onto one of the bar stools and Yoongi put the kettle on.

"How are you feeling this morning, honey?" Hoseok asked, sitting next to me with my hand in his and he smiled "You look well rested,"

"I feel better," I said quietly, "But I should go home,"

"If your ass moves from that chair," Yoongi said, "I will handcuff you to the fridge,"

I managed a smile "You can't threaten me even if you are a policeman,"

"That's the least of your worries, sweetie," Yoongi said, and put a tea in front of me "You know what I'm about to tell you,"

"Yoongi, I can't," I said, "What if everything gets worse?"

"Honey, you can't be scared of him anymore," Hoseok said, "Jin needs to be taken in. He can't be allowed to do this to you anymore. Look at you. You are covered in bruises and you are scared of him,"

"But he-"

"If you didn't want the help, why did you come here in the early hours of the morning?" Yoongi said, sipping his drink "Can you answer me that?"

I shook my head "I don't know why I came here,"

"Because you wanted help," Yoongi said, "Sweetie, I've had a lot of domestic violence cases and I know what goes on in the victim's heads,"

"Do you?"

"Of course," Yoongi said, "They feel that they are to blame and that the reason why their partner is acting like that, is because they believe that they have done wrong. You forgive them because you think you are at fault and you stay with them because you believe they are sorry for beating you black and blue,"

"Hana, please let us help you," Hoseok said, "I don't want to beg but I will if I have to"

"Even if you don't want to come to the police station, you are not going back home to him," Yoongi said "I can't force you into pressing charges or wanting to go to court over what he has done, but I am not letting you go back to him,"

"I have nowhere else to go," I said quietly, "I can't stay here. I would feel like a burden,"

"You wouldn't be a burden, you daft cow," Yoongi sighed, "And we have space. Anyway, it's a bit boring living with Hoseok because we work all the time and we hardly get the same days off,"

"I'm a nurse," Hoseok said, "Sorry about my bad working patterns. Anyway, you are a cop so you have bad shifts as well,"

"Whatever, baby," Yoongi said sipping his drink.

"What about a friend?" Hoseok said and Yoongi glared at him "What? We can't keep her locked up in this house no matter what we think. She still needs her freedom,"

"I want to keep her safe. I don't want Jin near her,"

I rubbed the ache in the back of my neck "I might have someone I can stay with,"

"Who?" Yoongi said, "I want his name. I want his occupation and I want to know if he is a good guy,"

"You know of him," I said, feeling my cheeks burn "Kim Taehyung and he is a teacher at my school,"

"Why do I know that name?" Yoongi frowned "Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. I know that name. Is he a criminal?"

"No," I sighed, "He...he was the student that kissed me,"

"God damn," Yoongi said, "No. You can't stay with him. What if he tries it on with you again? Not a good idea,"

Hoseok chuckled "I have a feeling that they already got up to some naughty things,"

"Oh come on," I muttered, "Can you not just say sex?"

"You had sex with your student?" Yoongi said, "Hana, that's illegal,"

"No!" I exclaimed "I didn't have sex with my student. He was my student and he is a teacher working at my school. Not a child and not a student,"

"I want to meet him," Yoongi said, "I don't have work till this evening so you better call him and tell him to come round,"


"I won't let my best friend stay at some guys house without me knowing the ins and outs," He said, "Why aren't you messaging him?"

"I don't have my phone,"

"You don't have your phone?" Yoongi said slamming his mug down "Are you some sort of idiot?"

"Don't speak to her like that," Hoseok said, "She was in a rush to get away from Jin. Don't be such a dick or we are not going out to dinner next week,"

Yoongi sighed "Sorry, sweetie. I'm trying to make sure you are safe. Give me a minute. I'll make some calls and I will get his number,"

I watched Yoongi walk away from us and Hoseok rubbed my back gently, making me wince.

"Honey," He said quietly, "I agree with Yoongi just don't tel him. I think it would be better for you to stay with us. He is a policeman and he will keep you safe,"

I shook my head "I can't. I'd be home alone most nights and I wouldn't feel great. Even though you say I'm not a burden, I feel like one. I can't get in the way of your relationship"

Hoseok sighed "You would never be in the way of our relationship. We are best friends, honey and friends are there for each other no matter what,"

Yoongi stomped back into the kitchen and slapped a piece of paper in front of me wearing a smug grin.

"How did you get that number?" Hoseok asked.

"I'm a cop," Yoongi said, "And I have my ways. Sweetie, use my phone and call that number. I want him here within the next hour,"

He Was My Student [[KTH]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now