A meeting between friends

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One bright sunny day in the alola region a 14 year old boy is on his way to the pokemon school, this boy is Y/n.

Y/n is wearing a simple black shirt with the word seriously? on the front in red, blue pants, black shoes a belt with different kinds of pokeballs clipped on it and red scarf.

When he reached there he saw a shirtless person facing some members of team skull, Boneheads that like to cause trouble for others.

Y/n ran to the boy's side and said Hey leave him alone.

The boy said this is my problem stay out of it. Before Y/n can say anything bonehead 1 said hey stay out of it yo you don't know who your messing with.

Y/n rolled his eye's and said i do, i'm dealing with 3 boneheaded morons that causes nothing but trouble.

This caused the 3 boneheads to  growl in anger and the boy beside him to be taken back by his harsh words.

Hey leave them alone a voice said from behind them, Y/n looked back to see a boy with a hat and a pikachu on his shoulder.

Y/n: and you are? My name's ash and i'm here to help.

Ash be careful a green haired girl shouted. 

Got it ash said, he then turned to the other two i'l be helping ...

Kiawe but i don't need help. the named kiawe said.

My name's y/n. taking one of the heavy balls from his belt.

The bonehead trio (as i will now call them from now on) called out 3 salandit , 3 zubat and 3 yungoos.

Kiawe called out a giant pokemon that had piercing spike on it's back. This pokemon is a Tutonator. At the sight of turtonator, Ash was amazed to see such a pokemon. 

Wow! So that's a turtonator, huh? Ash asked in amazement.

A fire and dragon type. A strong and  wise one. Kiawe explained.

Y/n throws his heavy ball into the air and out came a pokemon no one expected.

Y/n: registeel battle time, the iron golem appear in a flash of light.

Registeel said the iron pokemon as it's eyes glow red. 

Whoa a registeel ash cried amazed.

No way kiawe said shocked at the sight of the legendary 

At the sidelines prof. kukui and the 4 student's was shocked at the sight of a legendary pokemon.

This caused the bonehead trio to step back at seeing the iron pokemon. But shook of the surprise and attack.

Bonehead trio : salandit venoshock , yungoos bite, zubat leech life the trio cried out loud.

Pikachu use quick attack. Ash shouted out his command, causing pikachu to evade the venoshocks and allowing the quick attack to bash the 3 salandits away. Kaiwe widened his eyes at pikachu's speed. Fast kaiwe commented.

Registeel use zap cannon y/n called out, registeel fired a zap cannon that hit the 3 zubats and sent them flying back and leaving them paralyzed. 

The 3 yungoos struck at turtonator, who only turned around, leting it's enemies bite it's spiky back. As the attacks made contact, the spikes on the fire-dragon type's back suddenly exploded!

It blasted the yungoos away,knocking them all on the ground, much to the grunt's  shock and disbelief. 

What happened ? Ash asked in shock over what happened.

Y/n alola adventureWhere stories live. Discover now