Meeting Olivia, helping the Pokemon of the lake

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Y/n was at class with the others, today they had a special guest, the kahuna of Akala island, Olivia. Though clumsy, shes great with Pokemon as no Pokemon is on guard around her, not even Ash's Litten and some of Y/n's legendaries were on guard around her.

Later, Olivia finds herself crying having learnt that Litten had gone through a lot before it had met Ash. Lillie hands her a handkerchief to dry her eyes which she does, and then blows her nose, much to Lillie's dismay, which Lana finds interesting. Olivia then tells everyone that their Pokemon are all lucky to have such great partners. Also, as a reward for telling her about all of their Pokemon, Olivia says she in return will tell them about Akala Island.

 As she begins her talk on Akala Island, she asks the group if they know who the Guardian of Akala Island is. In reply, Ash states that it is Tapu Lele, and then Olivia describes that Tapu Lele is known to scatter its glowing scales from time to time, and that whoever the scales touch will be healed. She also finds Y/n interesting ,as Tapu Lele never took anything before, let alone A Z ring to give a trainer, or take interest in said trainer.

They were about to take a cruiser to Akala island, but Y/n's Rotom phone suddenly rang. Picking up, he saw it was Palutena.

"Y/n, are you available? I need help at Sinnoh."

"I am, but i'll have to confirm it with my teachers first."

After confirming with Professor Kukui and Olivia, Y/n teleported to Sinnoh due to Palutena's Gardervoir. Y/n soon found himself at Lake Verity, at the center of the lake was a cave. He knew it was where the legendary Pokemon Mespirt resides. 

He sensed his teacher inside but was hesitant to enter as from what he learned from Cynthia, no one must enter the chambers of the lake Pokemon. Seeing this, Gardervoir gently nudged Y/n forward, this caused him to calm down, knowing his teacher knows what's she's doing.

Entering the cave, he was greeted by what looks like a Goodra, Pulling out the notebook, he found out it was Hisuian Goodra. Seeing it's red eyes, he knows it's a Alpha Pokemon.

"Goodra, The Shell Bunker Pokemon. Hisuian form. A Steel and Dragon Type. Able to freely control the hardness of its metallic shell. It loathes solitude and is extremely clingy—it will fume and run riot if those dearest to it ever leave its side."

Dodging it's incoming  horns, Y/n sent out Regidraco.


Regidrago stomps the ground, causing it and the cave to shake, damaging Goodra and causing Y/n to stumble.

"Yikes, bad move to use in a cave, dragon dance!"

Regidrago's body becomes surrounded in orange energy and it spins around several times, enhancing its attack power and speed.

"Now dragon claw !"

Regidrago's "arms" glowed green before striking Goodra, knocking it back. Goodra then fired a dragon pulse, knocking Regidrago back. 

"Dragon energy!"

Regidrago positions its arms on top of and underneath its body, forming a dragon's head. The "mouth" of the dragon's head then opens, forming a purple orb of energy in front of Regidrago's body. It then fires a purple beam of energy from the orb at Goodra. It knocked Regidrago back to it's trainer.

Seeing the Shell Bunker Pokemon is weakened, Y/n threw a Ultra ball at it.

1..2...3 and Ping. And with that, Goodra was caught.

"How'd a alpha Pokemon get here?" Y/n asked to himself.

"Perhaps it was appointed as Mespirit as a guardian, the incident with team galactic was have awoken it along with Mespirt." Palutena said as she entered.

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