A rematch with Tapu Lele, A encounter with the mischief Pokemon

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The class is currently at a treasure hunt, using some ride Stoutland, they were to search for treasure before the first bell, once it rings, they'll return to have Olivia appraise their treasure and make a half-way point announcement of how many points it's currently worth. There will be two rounds of this, the ones with the most points wins.

Once the class has picked their Stoutlands, they all got ready to set off. Professor Kukui informs the group that they are allowed to search anywhere they please, but must return at the sound of a bell so their finds can be evaluated.  Soon the treasure hunt began and our heroes all set off.

By the first bell, everyone returns to the barn so Olivia can appraise their finds. Ash's Shards net him 15 points, but he is quickly disappointed when Olivia gives Mallow 20 points for her mushrooms. Neither Lana nor Sophocles have anything to show; Lana is dejected while Sophocles is confident that his plans will allow him to catch up. Kiawe reveals his find of a Skull Fossil which earns him 100 points, stunning Ash at how far ahead Kiawe is. Y/n and the rangers had found a evolution each, earning them 200 points, causing Kaiwe's jaw to drop.

For the second round Y/n and the rangers split up to cover more ground, after a few minutes Y/n stopped to let Stoutland rest, but as he rested, he heard a familiar cry. Looking up, he saw the guardian of Akala itself, Tapu Lele.

"Tapu Lele?" Y/n said surprised at the sight of the island guardian. "What brings you here?"

The island guardian made a beckoning motion, seeing Tapu Lele is challenging him, Y/n sent out Registeel. A Psychic Terrain suddenly formed due to Tapu Lele's  Psychic Surge ability.

"Metal claw!"

Registeel's fingers glowed silver before charging at Tapu Lele who dodged, it then slams one of its hands on the ground and a pink shockwave comes out of the ground, with wisps of blue aura appearing above the ground, pushing Registeel back.

"Flash cannon!"

Registeel puts its arms together and creates a silver ball of energy. A silver energy beam is then fired from the ball at the land spirit Pokemon who closed it's shell to defend, canceling out much of the damage.

"Blast, if normal attacks won't work then maybe a Z move." Y/n thought before attaching the Steelium z to his Z ring, the very crystal that was given to him by Tapu Lele itself. 

"Let's do this Registeel!" Y/n called out getting reader and the iron Pokemon roaring in agreement. 

Registeel strikes a series of synchronized poses with its Trainer to build Z-Power. It then jumps into the air and spins around rapidly, turning into a silver drill that struck Tapu Lele, kicking up a large could of dust. When it died down, the island guardian is revealed to be  mostly unharmed.

"Didn't do much, then again, it's a island guardian for a reason..."

Tapu Lele cried happily, seemingly satisfied with the battle. It then dropped something in Y/n's hands before flying away.

" A Firium Z... was it testing me again?" Y/n mumbled as he walked back to Stoutland, but he was so deep in his thought he didn't noticed a ring like the ones when he encountered Rayquaza and Groudon appeared bellow him and Stoutland, causing them to drop into another location.

Y/n while startled,managed to correct himself mid air and landing on his feet. He then noticed he was back with the others.

The ring that brought him back floated to him now smaller and it's portal deactivated, this caused Ash's eyes to widen as he recognized it.

"Were you surprised?" A Pokemon suddenly appeared and asked.

"Hoopa!"" Pikachu" Ash and Pikachu cried in shock.

"Ashkan, Pikan!" The mythical Pokemon cried happily at seeing his old friends again.

"Hoopa, the Mischief Pokemon. A Psychic and Ghost Type. This troublemaker sends anything and everything to faraway places using its loop, which can warp space." Rotom informed.

"So what brings you here Hoopa?" Ash asked the mythical.

"Hoopa decided to travel and ended up in Alola."

"If your just been traveling, how'd Rayquaza and Groudon get to alola? They appeared though your rings." Y/n asked.

"Oh that? They been causing trouble so Hoopa sent them away."

"You unknowingly sent them here, causing me to handle them."

"Oops, Hoopa's sorry."

"It's fine Hoopa, Y/n had them under control." Coco said as she patted it's head.

"Hey Hoopa, Rotom said you can teleport anything right? Can you show us?" Sophocles asked.

The mythical grinned before activating and throwing one of it's ring in the air. "Alléhooparing!"

The ring expanded,and from it came a Salazzle along a few Salandit.

"Salazzle, the Toxic Lizard Pokemon. A Poison and Fire type, and the evolved form of Salandit. Its poisonous gas contains lots of pheromones that attract male Salandit." Rotom informed

"This is... the terror of Wela!" Olivia said in shock. "This Pokemon is a totem of a trail that's deem too difficult, so the area it inhabits has been restricted."

The totem fired a flamethrower at the one that's closes to it, which was Y/n who jumped back and sent out Registeel.

"Y/n, be careful, Salazzle has the Corrosion ability, which allows it to poison steel and poison types!" Rotom warned.

"Got it Rotom, Registeel sandstorm!"

Registeel waves its arms and creates a sandstorm, causing everyone to cover their eyes.

"Now zap cannon!"

Registeel sticks out its arms and a yellow orb of electricity with a red center appears in front of them. It then fires the orb at the totem which was blinded by the sandstorm, the attack hit it's mark, knocking it back and paralyzing it.

The totem called in a ally Salandit who used helping hand, it then fired  a fire blast at Registeel.

"Iron defense!"

Registeel's body becomes outlined in light blue and its body briefly shines, increasing it's defense, this allowed it to tank the fire blast.


Registeel stomped on the ground, causing the ground to shake and damage Salazzle.

"Now Iron head!"

Registeel's body is covered in a silver aura before rushing towards Salazzle, the totem tried to counter with a fire blast, but it's paralysis stopped it. The attack hit it's mark, kicking up a cloud of dust, when it and the sandstorm died down, it revealed Salazzle was down and out.

"Impressive, no one has defeated Salazzle before, but then again, no one used a legendary Pokemon to battle it before." Olivia said impressed.

The totem slowly got back up before it laughed, it hasn't had this much fun in a long time. Salazzle then turns to one of the Salandit, it walks up to Y/n and pulls out something from it's mouth and gave it to him.

"Poisonium Z, even though it's not a trail, but it deem you worthy of having it." Olivia said.

"Speaking of Z crystals, i actually met up with Tapu Lele again." Y/n said surprising everyone. "It tested me for a bit before giving this to me." He showed the Firium Z he got.

Soon they decided to continue the treasure hunt evaluation, and Lana won due to finding a sparkling stone, give her the most points as Y/n's Poisonium Z doesn't count.

Before they returned to the Pokemon center, Hoop decided to be captured by Y/n since it seems exciting to be around him. As the class relaxed, Y/n could only wonder what the future holds as the journey continues.

Done and done, next time Y/n will join Ash and Lana fishing, but will expectedly encountered a totem. What do i mean? Read to find out. Your next pick is Mewtwo, the treasures of ruin or  Koraidon and Miraidon. Tell me in the comments bellow. 

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