Chapter 10-Talk

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"He is getting married" I said.. Crying bitterly on my faith.

"How dare he.. I am going to put some sense in his head" Bo cursed.

"BO please.. It's better we keep it like this" I said. "You are doing a mistake again Ruhi.. He has right to know.. We agreed last time on your decision to not to tell him, but think about Kartik.." Mom argued.

"Look baby, atleast he has a right to know about Kartik.." Maa explain.

"But, I am scared, mom.. He hates me, I saw it in his eyes.. And if I tell him about Kartik he will hate me more.. I.." I cried.

"Take your time honey.. But tell him" mom told me.

I need to talk to him first...

"Hi! Lucy.. Can you please tell me where is Dr Karan Iyer cabin?" I asked the receptionist.

"First floor left side" She told me. I took my time to reach there thinking in my mind how to tell him.

I knocked on his cabin door, come in, I heard his familiar voice.

"Hi!" I said as I entered in, he looked at me from his papers "Hi! Ruhi, I hope you have appointment.. I am quite busy" He said. I stopped "Sorry, I don't.. I'll come later" I said.

"Come sit Dr Ruhi, I was joking.." He said, his face stern, it didn't seem like he joked.

"We didn't talk properly yesterday, I was in hurry" I started.. He nodded. "Just give me a second," He said and left the cabin properly to give instructions to his receptionist.

He had changed so much, he must be exercising regularly, He was not my innocent karan anymore, he had turned into a man who hates me.

I looked around his cabin, there was a frame on his desk, I picked up and turned around.. It was a couple photo of him and his fiance.. My throat filled with pain so I quickly placed it on its place.

"Yes Dr Ruhi you were saying!" he asked as he sqt in his chair.

"I tired to contact you, 6 years ago, where you went after Japan? "
I asked him.

"I was in New York!" he replied I couldn't stare or look into his eyes before feeling ashamed.

"Why did you tried to contact me, I thought we ended everything!" he asked.. I took a breath.

"Because.. I.. I.. Karan I know you hate me but.. I" I shutter.

"Come to the point Ruhi," he said.. I press my lips together.. He was being jerk.

"for Réunion!" I said.. "Réunion?" he asked. "Yes! We were planning reunion of our batch so I was contacting you"

"Even if you had contacted me, I could have never came.. Because I can't see your face" His words hurt like a knife.

I stood up before I cry in front of him "I should leave!" I said and quickly walked away. I stopped near the door "And Dr Karan, I certainly don't need a appointment to meet you, I own 60 % of the technically you are my employee" I told him.

I didn't wait to hear his reply.
Once in my cabin, I let the tears run down, He hates me..!!

I decided to go home early today, packing my things I went to parking lot.. As I was above to open the door to my car some one tap my shoulder, I turned, it was Shweta. She smiled at me, And I gave her a small smile to.

"I will come straight to the point Ruhi, karan told me about you and him, I request you to stay away from him, we have been together for  6 years.. You had your Change with him.. But now he is mine.. OK, we are getting married next month.. I hope you attend the wedding." she said and left.

After what shweta said, I didn't dare to talk to karan again, I have been  avoiding him for two weeks now.

I was currently In hospital, it was already 9 pm, one of my patients was due for delivery.. I had to bring Kartik along as there was no one at home to take care of him.

Bo said he will pick him while going home from office.. But he was also running a little late.

"stay in my cabin, pumpkin, don't go anywhere, if Bo comes go along with him ok, but not before informing nurse Jay ok?!"
I instruct him.

"Don't worry Mommy, I will be Fine" He said cutely.. I kissed his nose. While he scrunch.


Its already been 2 weeks, last me and Ruhi talked, she avoided me, and I didn't want to go and start the unwanted conversation.. I agree that I was too rude with her that day, but all my angry which had been piled up came out.

In a month me and Shweta were getting married, I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes.. I have been getting very little sleep these days.

I had a meeting with my senior regarding tomorrows surgery.. So I went to attend it.

When I was coming back, I saw a boy walking in empty corridor, As this was management floor there were no patient or any people on this floor, I looked around to spot his parents but he was alone, playing on his phone.

I walked to him "Hi champ! Are you lost" I asked.. He looked up at me from his phone.. A sudden nostalgia ran through me when I stare at the kid.

"I am not lost!" he said.. "You are not..? Where is your mom" I asked him.

He furrowed his eyebrows "Dad!! Are you a doctor here too?, I was searching for you " he asked, I was confused why is he calling me Dad, I nodded yes at him "Mom is giving birth" He said..

His mother must be patient then.. "What are you doing here then, maternity ward is on 1 st floor" I said.. "Who else is with you?" I asked.

"Why are you asking me so much questions..Dad? " He replied back. "Mom told to wait in her cabin but I followed you and got lost.." he said. "What is your name champ?" I asked him.
"kartik Iyer!" He said. I smiled we have same surname.

"Ok you wait over here don't go anywhere.. I'll be back" I made him sit on the bench. And quickly went to 1st floor, so they could announce the lost kid.

When elevator reached to first floor, I was above to get out, but was pushed again inside.

What the??

"Ruhi?" I said, She tremble, her eyes red, whole face had turned red, Why was she crying..

"Kartik!!! I.. i lost him..." She cried.. I quickly cupped her face "Hey.. Shhh calm down what happened..?" I asked her.. She cried more..

"Karan, I lost Kartik.." She said between hiccups.. I remember the kids name.

"I know where he is,!" I told her.
"You do?" She asked. I Nodded and took her to 5th floor.

"Baby!!..." She said running to the boy she engulfed him in her arms "Where were you, I told you to be in my Cabin.. I thought I lost you.. Don't do that again" She cried hugging him

"Mom! I found Dad... So I went after him but I got lost.. And dad found me again" The boy said, Ruhi's eyes snapped to me and widen.

After a minute everything registered in my mind. I looked at the boy.. He looked like me.. No.. No.. How is this possible.. No..

"Mom!.." The boy called out, At distance Ruhi stood in trance, looking at me in horror. I marched to her. Standing in front of her I greeted out "We need to talk"! I said.

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