Chapter 14 - Haze

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Sitting in  familiar white room, where I had treated so many patients, but today I sat on small stool, my eyes looking at the figures lying in bed not moving, I was angry on her, for doing this to herself.

I took her palm in my hand, cursing myself, because I was the reason behind this. Shweta my best friend, she was there when I had nothing, when Ruhi broke up with me And I was living my life for sake of my parents, she had filled color in my life all these years.

I had known she loved me, but I couldn't give back her love for my heart always belong to Ruhi.
Shewta had cut her wrist, attempting suicide,.

I should have known, she would easily get depressed.. I was her doctor back in New York.

In all these situations with Ruhi and Kartik, I had neglected my friends health.

She moved groaning before opening her eyes, her eyes looking at sealing, her face calm.

"I pretend to sleep for a while so you could leave, but I guess you are not going to" She said in low voice.

Finally her gaze moved toward me. "why?!" I asked. She didn't replied, she moved and tried to sit up  I helped her, I also made her drink water . After few more minutes she spoke.

"I Think I always knew I was going to loose you, my future with you always looked hazy in front of my eyes. but I still took a chance, that's the reason why I didn't wanted to come back to India, but when my parents said the marriage has to be happen in India, I gave up."

"I did warned Ruhi to stay away from you, fearing that her return will take you away from me. All my life you are the only one guy I love. And seeing you with her made me angry, hurt!" She told me, I clenched my fist.

"I know marrying Ruhi was your right decision, And I supported you, but I don't know what came over me, and I took that step, belive me Karan, I didn't mean it but the fact that You now belong to someone else, Made me think that I had nothing to live for " she cried.

I sat beside her hips, cupping her face I wipe her tears " You do know that You have a special place in my heart right?! "  I asked her she nodded her head.

" I am leaving day after tomorrow for New York, sorry I caused all this ruckus" she said.

"Promise me that you will not do anything stupid like this!" I asked her.

"I promise! I just want you happy, take care of yourself, and Kartik" She said smiling.

"I  am going to miss you!" Fresh tears pour down her cheeks "hey!" I hugged her. "don't come to see me off, I can't handle it!" She told me.

"Dr Karan!" Ruhi's voice broke our hug, I turned to look at her, I could clearly see hurt in her voice.

Shewta sigh "Can't you knock, doctor ruhi's this is private room you do know that right!!? " Shewta snapped .

"I am sorry, it was an emergency, there is accident case with server brain damage, and Dr Karan is needed" Ruhi said her voice wavering.

I turned to Shewta, "I'll visit you again before your discharge ok!" I kissed her forehead before leaving, Not missing the look of longing in. Eyes of Ruhi.


"I am sorry..!" I spoke as soon as Karan left, Shewta looked at me.

"Well, Your apologies not accepted, I hate you and always will hate you!!" She said.

I looked down at my fingers. "Ii..!" I started to say but she cut me off.

"I don't want to chit chat with you . So please stop.." She scowl at me.

What he left behind! Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant