Chapter 35

87 8 16

Okami's POV


She ran away as they were holding me back. I immediately regretted everything I did to her. Mello slapped me. "Why would you do that? Do you know how many times we've lost her already?!" he yelled, breaking down into tears.

"Not to mention, Ena Yagami was her alias for the Kira case." Near stated. "If it hadn't been changed, there was a 90% chance Katana would be killed before the day you two met. Sometimes, you need to think about the situation before you react"

I felt so stupid. I never even considered that her name might have been an alias. Who wouldn't want their identity protected with Kira being active? I looked out the window to see if Katana was still close to the building. Sure enough, she was just now crossing the street. I bolted out the door and chased after her along with the other boys.

We lost her after about five minutes of running. Suddenly, a gunshot was heard in the distance. Matt ran in that direction and I stopped him, confused.

"Matt, what do you think you're doing? There's a shooter down there, you'll get killed!"

He shoved me aside. "Don't you get it?! She's committed suicide because of you! Dammit, I knew we couldn't trust you!"

The three of them ran toward the gunshot. A black notebook fell at my feet once they were gone. As I picked it up, I read the words "Death Note" on the front. Seconds after I touched it, I heard a loud scream from the gunshot.

"Why did I choose her?!"

I ran to the scream and saw some strange creature holding Katana in his arms, crying. Blood was dripping from her head. A gun laid on the sidewalk next to her body. I pinched myself, refusing to believe this wasn't a dream. Nothing happened. I walked up to the creature. "It's not your fault for choosing her." I said. "It's mine for hurting her in the first place."

The creature sat there in silence. I slowly took out that black notebook I found. "Does this, by any chance, belong to you?" I asked him.

~Flashback end~

Breaking Branches (Death Note Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang