Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning feeling absolutely horrible. My head was pounding and I was freezing. I wrapped up in a blanket and went downstairs. Watari handed me a plate of pancakes. I really didn't feel like eating anything, but I'd feel guilty if I turned them down.

I sat by L and watched a few surveillance cameras with him as I ate. I finally got comfortable until I felt my breakfast threatening to come up.


I got out of my seat and bolted into the bathroom. Kneeling over the toilet, I felt like I was puking my guts up. The door opened and L rushed over to me, holding my hair back as I threw all my food up. Once I finally finished, I leaned back and sighed.

"Must have been that long walk in the rain last night... don't worry, you'll be okay." L muttered. "I suppose Matsuda could watch you for a while. I'll definitely be sure to check up on you, though."

Later on, I was video calling Near, Matt, and Mello. L walked into the room. "Hi dad." I choked out, my voice sounding raspy and dry.

"Wait, DAD?!" Mello shouted. "Since when was L your DAD?!"

L chuckled. "She simply calls me that because of the way I treat her."

I smiled and coughed a bit. L handed me a bowl of soup. I was hesitant at first, but I still ate it.

Horrible mistake.

Once again, I ran to the bathroom, unable to keep my food down. Matsuda followed me this time, holding my hair back before I even got there. I swear, this was killing me. If I wasn't such an idiot, maybe I would have known better than to eat anything in the first place.

I heard Matt and Mello screaming from the phone. "Kat, are you okay?! What happened, where are you?"

Near sighed as I picked it back up. "She's sick, remember? It isn't unusual for this to happen, so quit overwhelming her with your yelling."

I sighed. "Thanks, Near."

We talked for a few more hours before I passed out on the bed. Matsuda sighed and hung up before staying beside me as I slept.

(Sorry guys, I've been sick as hell these past few days, so I made a chapter to vent, I guess.)

Breaking Branches (Death Note Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora