Chapter 7

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Light's POV

Ryuzaki just called a few minutes ago telling me they were bringing Katana back to Task Force Headquarters. It took me no more than a minute to remember everything about the little girl. Two years had passed since her mother attempted to kill her. I didn't want any more harm to be done to Katana, but her mother was the perfect distraction. Ryuzaki suspected her to be Kira, distracting him from suspecting Misa and I.

"It'll be so fun having a little kid running around Headquarters, don't you think, Light?" Misa chirped. I didn't even respond. I swear, she can be so annoying sometimes...

"My son is attached to the kid, y'know." Ryuk said.

"OUR son." Rem corrected. Ryuk rolled his eyes and nodded.

(Sorry if Ryuk and Rem are a little OOC, it's just for the sake of the story so bear with me)

I smirked. This will actually work in my favor. Ryuk has told me a lot about Zero. Maybe we can help each other out. He gives me some names, and I kill the kid. After all, there's nothing stopping me if I use the death note!

(Time skip brought to you by depression UwU)

Katana's POV

L held my hand as he walked me into Task Force Headquarters. I recognized almost everyone there. I smiled at Matsuda, remembering how nice he was. Light approached me, followed by a blonde-haired girl. I almost cried when I saw him. Light was the one who noticed me in the first place. Sure, Matsuda helped him out a lot that night, but he was the first one to get to me.

"Awwww, she's so cute, Light!!!" the blonde squealed. She kneeled down to me, holding her hand out. Hi, I'm Misa!"

I hesitantly shook her hand without saying a word. She seemed like the bubbly extroverted type. One of the types I absolutely hated. Being an introvert, I could tell she wasn't the type I would learn to like.

As my hand touched hers, I felt something. Almost like a tiny piece of paper. Two, to be exact. I looked up and saw two large figures through my bangs.


They looked like Zero, but a little bit different. I almost immediately recognized them as Ryuk and Rem. Zero used to tell me millions of stories about them. Ryuk looked down at me. "I've heard a lot about you, kid." he said.

I smiled at him. "I've heard about you too."

Matsuda gave me a confused look. Of course, I should have known! They can't see the shinigami. It looks like I'm talking to thin air. Thank goodness I told L about Zero. "Don't worry, she has several imaginary friends, this one apparently being new to her." he said. I sighed in relief. Imaginary friends were a great excuse, considering my age. Tons of little kids have imaginary friends, right?

Zero put a hand on my shoulder. "Those are my parents, Ryuk and Rem. If you really meant it when you said I was your father figure, I guess you can consider them your grandparents."

Rem chuckled a bit while Ryuk looked shocked by Zero's words. "G-Grandparents?!" he stuttered. I laughed at his flustered face. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. I mean, I knew I'd be going back to Wammy's House at some point. If the other kids found out I had three death gods on my side, they'd never mess with me again. In fact, Zero said I might as well be a shinigami myself. It felt comforting to consider them my family, even if they weren't anywhere close to human.

Misa decided to break the awkward silence. "I think little kids are just adorable! Maybe we could adopt her, Light!"

Light laughed to himself. "Misa, I think you're scaring her. I said to be nice, but this crosses the line."

L took me to my bedroom a few minutes later. It was the same room I slept in two years ago. I felt relieved to be back here with them. At the same time, I felt guilty. All I'd do is be a distraction. L had a plan for one of the Task Force members to watch me every day. The rest of them would work on the Kira case.

For once, it actually seemed like there was hope.

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