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Yay. Extra long update. Hope you like it.




And I have over 1k reads thank you so so much. I can't believe that much people are reading this. You have no idea how much it means to me. Hope you like this chapter. :)

And I'm sorry I didn't update in a while a friend of mine was having some issues and he needed help. He wanted to take his life and we are really good friends but he asked me out and I felt bad so I said yes and then I dumped him so I feel really bad.

What do you think I should do???

Please comment on what you think I should do???

Kaya's P.O.V~

It's been a day since me and Niall have been going out together and I have to say I couldn't be happier. He's never stops complimenting me on my hair, my eyes, my clothes, my body anything you could think of.

"Kaya" Niall's voice rang throughout the house. He comes into my room and sits down beside me on my bed.

"You okay Ni?"i ask him. He moves closer and kisses me softly on my lips. He pulls away and smiles at me.

"Now I am" he smiles cheekily at me. I stick my tongue out at him. He does the same. I look at his lips longing for more of them.

"I know what your thinking" he smirks. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to give me a kiss.

His lips met mine and as cliche as it sounds there was a spark when it happened. That spark came every time we kissed.

He climbs on top of me so he is on top. Things are getting escalated very fast.

"Hey Kaya have yo- ah my innocent eyes" louis screeched after he saw me and Niall making out.

Niall gets off of me and says" what do you want Louis" he growls at him.

"I wanted to know did you ask her out on a date yet" he playfully crosses his arms and does his sassy look.

"Well I was going to but you came in" Niall trails off. Louis laughs.

"That didn't look like you were asking her out on a date" he giggles. Niall gives him the death glare. Louis gets the message and leaves my room.

I after he shut the door I burst out laughing. Niall started laughing as well after that little encounter that had just happened.

"I did actually come up here to ask you if you wanted to go on a date with me but I got a little overwhelmed" Niall blushes. I giggle and kiss his cheek ever so gently.

"I would love to" I reply to him. His face lit up with excitement.

"Okay tomorrow, because me and the boys have to got to a meeting in like half an hour and we won't be back till late" he frowns after he said all that he needed to say.

"Okay I'll go ask Michelle does she wanna do something" I jump off my bed and walked out of my room to go find Michelle.

"Michelle" I shout from the top of the landing. We faint voice yelled that she was in the kitchen.

I run into the kitchen and find Michelle eating a bowl of pesto pasta. She motions me to come and sit beside her and I obey her.

"You know the way I love you and you love me" I kiss up to her and she stops eating her bowl of pasta.

"What do you want" she groans. Jeez. Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I've never seen her this grump on a Friday.

"What happened to you" I furrow my eyebrows at her. She gets up and throws her bowl into the sink and sits back down.

"I'm sorry it's just there's pictures of me and Harry on Twitter and this morning when I opened my Twitter there was a lot of hate towards me and it's sorta been getting me down" she explains to me.

I grab her arms and pull her into a tight hug trying to comfort her as much as I could.

"Its okay there just jealous Harry likes you" I reassure her. She smiles at me weakly.

"Thanks" she blushes as she go sober and gets a bottle of water for herself and one for me as well.

"How about we go out shopping to get your mind off of it" I smile at her. She nods her head rapidly and I chuckle to myself at her excitement.

She loves going shopping. She's not a window shopper. She will buy the whole store if she could.

"Okay c'mon we'll get going in twenty minutes" she grabs my arm and pulls me upstairs and she pushes me into my bedroom for me to get ready to go shopping.

(See picture above)

I got dressed into a pair of black shorts a sorta peachy-pink summer top and black vans with a simple heart necklace to complete the out fit.

When we were both ready to go we headed off to one of the nearest shopping centre.

We went into all of my favourite shops Topshop, Debanhams, TKMax, H and M and loads more.

We were carrying a lot of bags, too much for my liking. We were now in the food court, lining up, waiting for our food.

After another few minutes of waiting we finally got our food that we had orders what seemed like hours ago.

We take a seat near the windows and I look out at the beautiful view.

"Kaya, who that" Michelle asks and points over to a strange person across the food court who was staring right at us or so it felt like.

My eyes widen. It was him.

He's be following us this whole time. There was a few strange thing that happened when we were shopping today.

"It's him" I mumble mainly to myself. Michelle grabs my arm and tugs it so I'm facing to her.

"Who is he" she asks me whispering. I break free and sigh.

"My ex-boyfriend" I tell her. Her mouth turns into and 'o' shape. Why was he following us around all day? Was he stalking us or something?

The Best Mistake I Ever Made-Niall HoranDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora