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Michelle's P.O.V~

I hope she won't freak out when she meets him. I only met him yesterday. He seems nice but it just doesn't seem real. I'm not that good of an actor.

I wonder if I'm aloud to tell Kaya were not really dating.

"Well you wanna go inside or stay out here all day" I ask.

"Ye c'mon can't wait to meet him" she winks.

I open the door. She looked flabbergasted.

"No way you live here" she sounds amazed.

"Ye" I mumble.

"Can I please meet him" she asks eagerly.

"Hold on, let me show you where your room is" I laugh.

I grab one of her bags. She follows me up the stairs. I hear a guitar strumming. It's amazayn how good he is at guitar. I smile.

I open the door to one of the guest rooms.

"Seriously where's my room" she laughs.

"This is your room" I smile.

"No flipping way"

She walks in and puts her bag on her bed. She walks around the room examining everything.

"You wanna stay here or do you wanna meet him" I ask Kaya.

"I'll just change out of these" she gestures towards her sweats and hoodie.

"I don't want to meet him dressed like that"

"What's wrong with it"

"He's a multi-billionaire probably wearing suits and all and here I am wearing sweats and a hoodie she laughs.

"He's nothing like that he's normal. I promise" I assure her. She nods. I pull her out of the room and dragged her downstairs.

"Sit here I will go see if he's free make yourself at home"

She nods. I run upstairs to his room. Luckily I get my own room so it won't be that awkward. I gently knock on the door.

He opens it within seconds.

"Hey" he says cheerfully.

"Hey my friend is here you wanna meet her. She dying to meet you" I ask him.

"Ye I'd love to just give me a sec"

He as a about to close the door.

"Wait I just want to ask you one more thing" I say nervously.

"Ye" he grins. His perfect white teeth.

"Am I aloud to tell her about us"

"I don't know if you want I can call Simon later and ask him"


He closes the door. I run downstairs into the living room. Kaya wasn't there. I knew she must be in the kitchen. I walk in and there she was eating a bag of crisps.

"How can you eat so much and still be so skinny" I chuckle.

"I'm not skinny" she argues.

"Anyway he's gonna be down in a sec"

"Michelle where are you" he calls.

"In the kitchen" I yell back.

He walks into the kitchen. Sweats and a vans t-shirt on with some surpas.

Kaya's mouth hung low.

"Kaya" Niall spoke.

She gulps. "Niall" she whispers.

Wait do they know each other?

<Yay long update :)>

The Best Mistake I Ever Made-Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now