The Progeny - Part 6

Start from the beginning

"What?" my confusion is genuine even thought I don't really want to go home anyway, "It's too dangerous, back at the cliff, I just"

"But they think I'm dead, they think you killed me when I was a baby, right?" she looks down at the floor, her boot starts kicking something that isn't there, "yeah, but I just don't want to risk anything, if you're with me I know that you're safe" there's something she's not telling me, I can see it in her body language, the way she won't look at me, the way her voice is almost stuttering. I need to be a man, this chick has ripped my clothes off me, thrown me off a cliff and saved me from drowning all in the space of a few hours, it's safe to say my ego has taken a slight battering and I'm not about to kick it whilst it's down by following her back to her 'home' like a lost puppy, (no matter how much I want to), besides, I doubt she has a stack of male clothing in exactly my size waiting for me to throw on. I need to return my father's car, I need to take a shower and I need some time to think. I stand to my feet and walk over to Dalia, who's now rocking softly in her chair with two of her fury friends on her lap, "I think that's all I can take for one night, I can't thank you enough for showing me the matter how painful it is" I give her a warm smile to show my sincerity, she mirrors this and leans forward, reaching out her hand she takes mine "remember Leo, it's about who you are, not what you are", her words hit me hard, I nod slowly in agreement and turn towards the door, I brush past Estella without looking directly at her, I know if I do her eyes will pull me and I can't take that chance right now.

I begin to head back to the car, walking through the forest at a rapid pace, I don't even know the way, I've just picked a direction and headed towards it. It's not long before I hear the sound of Estella's boots trudging behind me, "hey, what the hell are you doing?" she yells, "you can't just walk through the forest in the middle of the night, you don't even know where you're going!" I stop dead in my tracks, I know she's right, if there's any hope of me finding my way back to my father's car then it's her. "Answer me! What the hell are you doing, I told you it's not safe" I'm growing impatient, "what the hell does that even mean Estella? You keep expecting me to just fall in line with what you're saying, but you're not giving me any reasons as to why!" I bark back, "I just need to go to my fathers for tonight, I need to clear my fucking head and put on a shirt, so can you please just show me the way back?" Her emotionless face glares back at me, "fine, I know a shortcut, but you still need to move your ass, the sun will be coming up soon" and with that she turns on her heels and walks into the dark forest, I let out a deep sigh and follow behind her.

The silence is uncomfortable, no one's said a word since we started on our way, I look over to Estella, her eyes are focused forward as she leads me through the black forest, I decide to pluck up the courage to speak first. "I didn't thank you, I should have thanked you" I stutter,

"What? What for?" she looks at me blankly,

"For everything, for saving me the other night, for saving me tonight, for taking me to Dalia and for not killing me all those years ago" our eyes lock intensely,

"Don't mention it" her eyes flick back ahead, like she's embarrassed, she puts on this heartless, no fucks given act, but tonight I managed to look past that, I managed to see the real her. "So I'm guessing your kind killed my mother?" I don't mean for it to come out as blunt as it does, "my kind?" she questions, her one eyebrow raised as if I've insulted her massively, I'd usually apologize for my tone, but when it comes to my mother and more importantly, how she died, I just can't seem to give a shit, "yeah...Vampires" Estella's eyes widen, it's the first time either of us have described her in that way, but I mean come on, it's not like I didn't know, I let out a laugh, "what's so funny?" she asks puzzled,

"It's just funny that you're all claiming that I'm this big, scary vampire slayer, yet a vampire has been saving my ass for the past God knows how many years" I finish my sentence with another small chuckle. "That's because you haven't unlocked it yet, trust me, when you do you'll definitely know you're a slayer" I stop in my tracks sharply, "wait, what?" she stops and turns to look back at me,

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