He then placed both pieces in his ear, lifted my shirt placing the instrument on my belly. He listened for about 2-minutes, after hearing that slight second rythm. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Lay back and pull your pants down to here" He positioned his hands a little above his knee's. Kadei did as she was told, covering the rest of her body with the cover sheet that was provided.

Kadei watched as he called for his assistant, who came in happy as can be. I looked at her with disgust, the hell she so happy for? I shook my head i need to chill, it was just jealousy because her happiness reflected on something else.

"Hello, im Lauren Dr.Highland's assistant. Were gonna set you up for, a quick ultrasound. He's gonna step out, and i'll do the rest he should be back shortly" I nodded taking a small breath, i guess it is what it is.

Lauren grabbed the petroleum jelly,squirting a small amount on the lower part of my belly. She then began moving it in small circular motions. The computer screen was black at first, i couldn't make anything out.

It went from black to white, thats when i noticed a small object. "Ok see right there, thats your baby. Very much alive, and very active haha" Kadei sat there with a little joy in her heart. She couldn't believe that a trip to the doctor, to comfort her best friend would result to this.

The nurse then hit the button for the microphone so Kadei could here it's heartbeat. "Wow" Kadei said breathlessly, it was like music to her ears. "His or her heart rhythm is very strong, thats a good thing. Your baby is in fine condition at the moment" Lauren informed me.

"Ok were all done, you can get dressed" Lauren left the room, giving me time to get dressed. I scurried pulling my pants up, zipping and buttoning them. She tapped the door twice then came in with a vanilla folder.

"Here is your 9-months schedule, there's a few pamphlets as well as your next doctor appointment. Doctor highland left your pharmacy prescriptions in there for your prenatal pills, and vitamins" Lauren handed me the folder.

"I also printed a few pictures of your baby. I thought dad would like to see" She said smiling at me, from ear to ear. "T-thank you" Kadei mumbled walking out of the room, exiting the whole facility.

I took small breaths keeping a slow pace to my car. I retrieved the pictures from my folder staring at them, they were so cute. I smiled then frowned, like i said i want kids but not right now. I mean i don't even know if i want kids with him, we only had sex once or twice.

Kadei laid her head back on the head rest, while she sorted her thoughts. Ok i work, i'm in school, i have my own car with a decent bank account. I can do this, how hard can it be? my mom raised me and my brother Landon alone.

Two kids, car notes, three bedroom house, bills and rent. My mom did that shit without my father, with ONE job. I looked at the time, my second class just ended. Home didn't sound fun, so i started my car put it in drive, and took my ass to school.

Leigh and Patrice was sitting at our regular table, talking to Trent Leigh's lil boo. Deric and last but not least, Fonzo. I dropped my head approaching there table. "There's my boo, where you been?" Patrice smiled hugging me.

Fonzo stood up pulling his backpack over his shoulder. "Whats good Dee?" He said looking straight at me. "Sup Fonzo" I kept it short and simple, Fonzo and i weren't really friends.

Things between us started on some pretty rough shit. I busted his lip, yeah y'all remember. But so far he did a major turn around, after Benz and i became official he started respecting me. "Shit i can't call it" Fonzo smiled, he had no idea Kadei would respond to him.

Bet On That - Sequel To Playing Hard .Where stories live. Discover now