9.|With Time I'll Tell

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Deric never once took his eyes off Kadei, he wasn't to sure if she was telling the truth; or if she was just hallucinating. I mean we've chilled a few times, but it was never anything that deep.

"Hold on man you buggin, you can't be pregnant." I said twisting my hat backwards, this was the highlight of my day. "Deric are you even for real right now?" Kadei questioned trying to find reasons behind the way he was acting.

"Just forget I even told you this, I'll deal with this on my own." Kadei mumbled turning her back to leave, but Deric stretched his hand out to grab ahold of hers. He didn't mean to sound or come off harsh, it was just surprising to hear.

"I don't mean to sound like a asshole, I'm just shocked maybe even a little confused." He confessed hoping that she would understand. "Deric it's true I mean I wish it wasn't so, but it is." She weeped.

I met Deric in the mall that I work at, the same day I got fired; I ran into him. I had finally got over the heart break, the breakup and the bet. Basically I let go of all the dead weight that held me down, I was so depressed hiding behind a fake smile.

He made me laugh and gave me such a beautiful conversation, and I loved every bit of it. I can't remember the last time I had that, and it was only supposed to be just that.

"I wouldn't lie to you or about this, being pregnant is no joke. I feel heavier, I'm always hungry. I have mood swings, and sometimes I'm not to sure who I wanna be around; because my emotions are like a crossword puzzle... all over the place." She explained.

Kadei shook her head crying big crocodile tears. "I've been trying so hard to keep myself from breaking, I'm not speaking to my brother. One of my best friends acts as if she doesn't know me, there's so much going on in my life." Kadei started to vent cradling her stomach.

"My mother calls everyday and I can't even bring myself to answer the phone, or even text her back. I'm back with my ex and I still haven't told him, his mothers knows about the baby; but thinks that it's his." She sighed.

"I'm just all over the place, no matter how hard I search...there just isn't a magnifying glass that's big enough to find the missing pieces to my life." She stressed wiping her eyes.

Deric was so lost in the moment, but he believed her. He knew she was telling the truth, and once he accepted that; he remember the time and days they had sex. It was right before school started back up, a month or two in advance.

Him and Kadei had been seeing each other a little more every other day, they both adapted feelings for each other. Only Deric feelings may have been a little stronger than hers, so he kept that part of there friendship a secret.

"I don't love Kadei, but I do care about her." He said unto himself.

Deric pulled Kadei into the tightest bear hug he could give, he wanted to say something but had no idea what to say. All he knew was that she needed closure, and he was always all about making her happy.

"It's ok don't cry, everything is gone be fine." He whispered into her ear. "How? I've messed so many things up, I can't come back from all this." She replied feeling much worse than she did five minutes ago.

I wasn't blaming anyone for what has happened, like I said from the beginning; I know what I did when I did it while I was doing it. It just hurts to know that I have no one to lean on, acting strong is a lot of work.

Pretending to not need anything or want anything is beyond hard, because I do need something...I need a friend and that was a lot. "People mess shit up Dee, but they also bounce back." Deric said shaking his head.

"Deric I can't bounce back from this, I'm about to be a mothe-" I paused taking a slight deep breath trying to gather my thoughts. " I got a lot of shit on my plate." I mumbled

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