8.|Running Out Of Time

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"Baby wake up." I heard Benz say as he shook me out of my sleep. I must've been having a bad dream, I was sweating and my clothes were completely soaked. "You alright?" He asked with a concerned look, I laid there momentarily still half sleep.

I stayed up nearly half the night thinking about this baby, what I was going to do about it and when I was going to announce it. No one knew but Landon and myself, not even my mother and I've been avoiding her since I decided leaving was best for me.

My mother calls me everyday, leaving voicemails and text messages. I never answer her because there's nothing that I need to say to her just yet, and I guess I had a slight feeling she already knew. Landon may have told, Landon may have not.

All I know is I wasn't ready to dive into anything that had to do with this new edition in my life, I'll see and speak to my mother when I see her. "Baby you alright?" Benz's voice filled my ears dragging me out of my over crowded mind.

"What time is it?" I asked sitting up slowly. My head was spinning, my nose was running and all I could feel was that warm sour spit crawling it's way up my throat. I yelped out of Benz's bed hauling ass towards his bathroom with him on my tail.

I fell to my knees opening the lid to his toilet throwing everything up I had ate the day before. Benz stood at my side holding my hair away from my face, in a way it did make me feel a little better. He never once left my side in that bathroom, even with all the smart remarks.

"Yo what the fuck? You better not throw up on my shit."He fussed covering his nose. Once I gained enough strength, I stood to my feet with his help flushing the toilet. I grabbed my toothbrush squirting a small amount of toothpaste on it brushing my tongue and teeth thoroughly.

"What did you eat? That shit looked so disgusting B. You sure you not coming down with nothing? Cause a nigga ain't tryna be sick." He stated looking into the mirror. Believe it or not even though he was only playing, the things he chose to say made me extremely mad.

I guess I expected him to care, but all of this was a game to him.

"Benz not everyone can throw up and make the shit look pretty." I spoke walking out, I just wanted to lay back down and go to back to sleep as fast as I could. "Baby man come here." He laughed using one hand to pull me and the rest of my body on to him.

"I was only joking, don't take it personal." He said truthfully, but I wasn't convinced. I still tried pulling away from him, I just wanted to get over this whole little situation. "Baby foreal?" He asked still holding on to me. "Tell me what's wrong." He said looking at me.

"I'm just tired." I responded pulling away going back into his room. I started removing the pillows, sheets, and his comforter off his bed from where I left my pity sweat. "Just change and I'll do this." He said handing me one of his polo shirts, and some of his Calvin Klein briefs.

I took them gracefully going back into his bathroom, I undressed and took a quick shower. Once I finished I rejoined him back in his room climbing into the bed under the covers. He used both of his strong arms to grip my body and pull me back closer to him.

Benz left small wet pecks on my neck, it sent chills down my spine. His hands played games with my hips, he went from gripping to grabbing. I don't know which felt better, but what I did know was he had better stop...or sweat wasn't gonna be the only thing he had to clean off his sheets.

I gently rested my back against his chest, I could feel his new muscle from all this hard work and no play with basketball. I was proud of him to finally be dedicated to something other then gang related.

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