13. Facing Fears

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"I need to talk to her...alone."

He said with a tone that was so stern, it frightened the both of us. It was even more terrifying to me because he never even once looked at Leigh. He sat there the whole with his arms crossed and his eyes directly on me. The veins in his hands and the ones showing throughout his forehead were the same veins he had when he showed up at my house. "Talk to her about what?" Leigh asked.

"I'm not in the mood alright."

"Neither am I. I know what you did." She capped back rolling her neck. "I don't give a fuck if you know what I did." He remarked sounding exhausted. "Just like I don't give a fuck if you want to talk to her alone. Whatever you got to say to her you can say in the front of me." Leigh raised her voice. "You hurt her one too many times, and this time I'm not allowing it."

"GET OUT!" He ordered causing her to yelp up.

Leigh scattered around that room fast grabbing her things as quickly as she could, I couldn't even blame her. I already felt like he tried to kill me, and before he tried to kill me he hit me. A huge piece of me didn't want her to leave me alone with him, but after losing my baby; and all the ruckus I caused...I was officially done running.

"I'm right outside that door." She said pointing to it. "If he tries anything, I mean anything. You better fucking yell for me." She then turned around. "I'm gone respect what you want because I know yawl need to talk, but this is my best friend. If you lay one hand on her, I swear to GOD." She expressed raising her hand bawling it into a fist. "I'm coming in swinging."

Benz sat still in the same position he was in when he came in. He wasn't threatened any by what she was huffing, her saying what she had to say didn't move him. He never even acknowledged her presence in the room, he already couldn't stand her. He once said to me that she was nosey and that she had a big mouth, and he wasn't fucking with anybody like that.

"I don't see why you friends with that girl." Is what he would say.

In my eyes, it wasn't for him to understand. She was here before him, and she was there after he did what he did, and she's here now. Leigh was my friend, yeah, her mouth was big and yeah, she was nosey; but she didn't do what Chae did. Even after we fell out over this nonsense, she still was able to put the shit behind her and show up to this fucking hospital for me.

I nodded giving her confirmation to go ahead and show herself out. Her glare at Benz stayed the same though. "Why did you do it?" He asked as soon as the door closed completely. I sat back taking a deep breath thinking about this question. I knew he was gone ask me that, that's why I made sure I had at least two options, option A and option B. I could either play dumb and respond with a question or I could just tell him the truth.

"Because you hurt me." I said obviously choosing option A. "Because I hurt you? Kadei I made a fucking mistake." "So, did I." I pleaded. "Nah the shit you did wasn't no mistake." He replied waving his hand and shaking his head no. "Benz are you even for real right now? You bet on me and let's not forget you fucked one of my best friends." I said from the pit of my stomach.

It still hurt me knowing that the two of them willingly did that. Chae could've fucked anybody, but instead, she chose to fuck him. Benz, he could've fucked anybody, but why did he choose to fuck her? Shit stopped making sense after that. Bitches would do anything to have what you have, and niggas would fuck whichever one that supplied it, and I was head over heels in love with that exact same nigga when I did not want to be...anymore.

"Bro you fucked my lil brother. That lil nigga carries the same blood I carry. That bitch doesn't carry shit but some old memories." He grunted. "So that makes it ok? Those memories are blood to me. I know you're mad an all, but you're not about to come in here, throw some glitter on the shit you did; then go hard on me." I know I fucked up. I don't need a damn reminder every time I turn around. The sooner everyone starts to realize that he did the damage first the better off everyone will be.

Bet On That - Sequel To Playing Hard .जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें