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richie was over at stans.

stan was looking around the room really nervous.

"so what stan? you call me over here to just sit?"

"no.. i have a confession to make."

"oh shit." richie scratched his neck.

"please don't hate me after this richie i promise it won't happen again."

"well tell me."

"i... i was over at bills yesterday."

"okay? cool i don't mind."

"no... that's not it. bill he um... he kissed me."

richie widened his eyes and looked over at stan.

"he what?"

"he kissed me."

"what the fuck? i told him not to take you from me!"

"i'm sorry."

"why are you sorry? bill kissed you!"

"i know but...

stan started to cry, right in front of richie which stan was so embarrassed to do but really needed to get out.

"what stan?"

"no... i c-cant."

stan put his hands in front of his face.

richie grabbed his arm and pulled his hands away from his face harshly.

"stan tell me what the fuck happened."

"i... i enjoyed it."

richie let his mouth open he let out a small gasp.

he put his hand on his head and closed his eyes.

"seriously? you enjoyed it?"

"yes i... i did... unlike when you kissed me all i felt was dullness.. it's like i was kissing a rock and i-

"wait wait wait, so your saying you don't like me anymore is that it?"

"i- no! i'm just saying th-

"no no stan i understand. we're through."

"richie! please that's not what i meant!"

"really stan? that's not what you meant? when you just told me you felt like you were kissing a rock?"

"i guess your not my type..."

"oh shut up. i don't wanna talk to you again."

"richie! please! i told you don't get mad!"

stan was sobbing.


stan choked on his words, he's loosing his boyfriend.

"don't act all innocent here stan because we all know that bill didn't start it."


"he's my best friend i know he would never ever start kissing you. i trust him so much and your over here lying?"

"i'm not-

stan started to cry more.

his eyes were full of water and his nose was red.

he was so heartbroken he didn't know what to do. heart broken... that's what bill said would happen to him if he stuck with richie.

maybe bill was right all along... maybe he knew this was gonna happen.

"i'm so mad i don't even know what to do. but i know that you and i are done with."


stan squeaked out his voice cracked as he continued to cry.

"forget it stan. i'm going home."

richie walked out the door and over to his car.

stan shoved his face into a pillow.

richie knew exactly where he was going to go. bills house.

okay this was one short but hope you enjoyed!

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