But the heart doesn't mean anything.

Taehyung had to repeat that over and over in his mind throughout the day, whenever his gaze caught on to Jungkook. It was nothing more than a kind gesture to help him relax, and he shouldn't read anything into it at all.

He just wonders why his hyungs didn't stop Jungkook from drawing it, knowing full well that Taehyung is harbouring a crush for the younger that surely won't disperse if Jungkook does cute things like that.

When Taehyung and Yoongi return to his room, he notices his phone blinking on the table, indicating a new text message. Yoongi flops down on the couch, complaining about his aching shoulder, as Jungkook grabs for the phone, expecting the message to come from Jungkook to tell him he has finished getting ready.

What he finds instead makes his blood run cold.

Where are you, you little worm? You can't hide from me. You need me. Don't play coy now. I know you need my money.

"Is everything okay?" Yoongi asks, and Taehyung realizes that he's clutching his phone so hard that he fears it might break in his grip. He quickly flips it closed and puts it in his jeans pocket, clearing his throat and praying that his voice doesn't tremble.

"Everything's fine."

There's no reason to freak out. Taehyung had expected something like this to happen, for Mr. Kim to try and contact him. He knows that there's no way that he'll actually find him, Bang PD-nim having promised him that any and all actions will be taken to keep Taehyung safe. The text message still causes an unsettling feeling to fill up his stomach, squashing the nervous butterflies that had previously housed there in anticipation of the concert and quality-time spent with Jungkook.

It's okay. He's not going to let Mr. Kim ruin tonight.

His phone vibrates again in his jeans pocket, but Taehyung ignores it. Yoongi squints at him, but doesn't say anything else after Taehyung's assurance that everything is fine.

Mr. Kim is looking for him. Mr. Kim knows that if he's on his own now, Taehyung is left with nothing again. The street corner he used to frequent comes to his mind, and he wonders if Mr. Kim already passed by it last night after the showcase, on the lookout for Taehyung. Why is this terrible man so terribly obsessed with him?

Taehyung swallows as Yoongi continues to look at him in suspicion. Today is supposed to be a good day. He's going to spend the evening with Jungkook. He's going to his first ever concert. Mr. Kim won't ruin this for him, Taehyung refuses to allow him that. So he'll suck it up and ignore the message, and tomorrow he'll show it to the members. That's it. That's going to be what he will do. If anyone will try to ruin this evening for him, he's going to hunt them down and kick their ass into the next dimension. Figuratively, of course, because Taehyung can't deal with violence.

When the manager comes to pick Taehyung up a few minutes later, his heartbeat accelerates. Yoongi tells him to have fun once more and pats his back affectionately, before calling Taehyung back once again because he forgot the concert tickets on the table. When his hyung hands them over, there's amusement glinting in his eyes.

"Don't lose your nerves now," Yoongi teases, and then Taehyung leaves for real, the tickets clutched between his fingers like a lifeline.

"We'll meet Jungkook at the underground parking lot of AX-Korea, and that's where we will be picking up the two of you right after the concert has ended," the manager explains to him as he navigates them through the evening traffic of the streets of Seoul. "You will have direct access to the venue from the underground parking lot. For your own safety, make sure to not leave the venue."

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