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My Pov:

A year has past, since the Cherry Bomb and Bermuda Triangle mafias merged and a lot has change.

They decided to rename the mafia and change the leader. They decided that Hanbin would be the leader, since he was good at not being biased to anyone and Woojin refused to be leader. They decided to name their mafia 'Miroh'. 

They also had to learn how to work together and not try to harm each other. This one was the hardest thing to do because they were used to trying to harm each other. 

There was also more couples that got together during this time:

Woojin and Hyunjin finally got together after a little push from Taeil. Taeil set up a date between them pretending that he was going to meet up with them to talk about something important.

Of course, they returned the favor and made Johnny tell them how they feel about Taeil with Taeil listening to them. Well Johnny didn't know that until after her finished talking. 

The only things that remained the same the city was still split into Bermuda Triangle  and Cherry Bomb areas and those areas are still run by the leaders of those groups. 

Only unlike before, people could go into either area without worrying whether the other mafia attacking them as much.

Of course, they still couldn't leave their houses after certain times unless they wanted to risk dying, but they could travel to the other side of town for whatever they wanted.

Even though they were supposed to get used to each other's habits, they never truly did. 

Bermuda Triangle has a constant supply of drugs in their area, which Cherry Bomb wasn't used to. They only sold drugs occasionally if they needed more money. Bermuda Triangle sold drugs for fun and only did cigarettes sometimes for the heck of it. 

Another that has to get used to was Jiwon being in the mafia and Taeil knowing about their mafia. 

Taeyong felt it went deeper than that, but he knew better than to tell anyone because he doubts that anyone would answer his questions. He feels like Woojin would know the answer, but he would never tell him anything. 

Today was supposed to be a triple date for the Johnil, Double B, and 2jin couple, but Johnny fell sick. Taeyong wanted to stay back and take care of Johnny, but Taeil told him that he could and sent Penomeco and Crush in their place even though those two aren't dating.

Taeil has a feeling that those two liked each other and just didn't know how to tell each other. Like Zico, before he and Dean started dating. Of course, Dean was the one that confessed first and the rest is history.

Unlike Penomeco, Crush was okay with this ideas as long as neither Penomeco or himself weren't paying for the bill and Dean would watch Doyou. He wanted free food and to know that Doyou was taken care of.

As soon as, Jaehyun said that he was paying with Johnny's credit card, Crush pulled Penomeco out of the house and told the others on this triple date to hurry up despite not knowing where they are heading to. 

Since Dean decided to look after Doyou, Zico knew that Dean wouldn't pay much attention to him and even though he said that was okay, it really wasn't.

He had plans for that day and wanted to surprise Dean, but that was going to happen. 

Though, he does need to talk to Taeil about something, so he guess he can talk to him toward without worrying if others will her him. He decides to wait until Johnny falls asleep to talk to Taeil. 

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