Chapter 7

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My Pov:

Taeil and B.I walk out of the theater and head back to the flower shop.

"Hey, let's go a different way. I wanna talk to you a bit more." Taeil says and leads B.I the other way.

B.I nods and follows him. At first when Taeil is talking to him, he only nods occasionally. Slowly, B.I starts to tune Taeil out and thinking about what happened over the past week. 

He also wants to know what the plan was because he was kicked out of the room after what his role was. He was sent away to buy supplies, so he couldn't eavesdrop on the plan. 

Once he came back, they were already finished talking about it and Bobby refused to tell him. No matter how much puppy eyes or pout B.I gave him.

He is so lost in thought that he didn't notice that Taeil  stopped talking and walking. 

"Hanbin, we are here!" Taeil says raising his voice after five minutes. 

He wanted to wait until Hanbin noticed that Taeil stopped walking or talking, but he didn't want him to go too far.

When B.I doesn't stop walking, Taeil runs after him and was about to grab B.I's arm to turn him around when he feels someone grab him then cover his mouth with a piece of cloth 

He starts screaming as he is dragged into a dark alley, but it is muffled. 

He tried his best not to breathe, but he soon feels himself running out of breathe. Eventually, he starts breathing in and out again. His vision starts to fade away and he passes out.

The last thing he hears before he pauses out is a gun shot, but he doesn't feel any pain. 

B.I was too far away to hear or see what was happening to Taeil.  Even if he was close, he was so lost in thought probably still wouldn't have heard it. He has learned to tune stuff like that out because he grew up around it. 

He didn't realize that he was walking towards the last place he saw his most former gang members alive until he got there. 

He looks around and doesn't see Taeil then shrugs. He figures that Taeil went inside the flower shop without him.

He looks back at the place and walks inside the building. He sits in a chair that isn't badly burnt. He sighs and looks around. 

As he looks,  he feels a tear spill down his face and he quickly wipes it away.

"I really did fail you guys. It is my fault." He mutters and buries his face in his hands. 

He hears his phone buzz after a few minutes and ignores it at first. He didn't realize that he had been crying until he lifted his head up.

He looks at his phone and groans. 

"Why is he there? Wait a second...that means it is my fault." He mutters to himself and frowns.

He stands up and walks over to the six bouquets of pink and red carnations then takes up one of them.

"If he is alive, I don't need to leave this here." he says as he looks at it.

It was a habit to come to this house and leave six bouquets of flowers in memory of his gang members. He figured out that carnations mean 'I miss you'. Red carnations mean both that the person is admiration and missing another, and pink carnations mean that the person is unforgettable. He couldn't choose between the red or pink carnations, so he did a bouquet of both. 

He looks at the other bouquets and sighs. He knows that he will need to change them next week, since carnations last three weeks. 

At first, they used to last two weeks, but he figured out what he was doing wrong and started taking care of them the best he could.

He used a different flower shop to get these carnations, but it closed when the owner moved away. So he had to find another one. The problem was that there was only one flower shop left in that town, which was on the Bermuda Triangle side.

To him, the flowers were worth it. They were his way of coping with the lose of his gang members. One was his childhood best friend, and the others expect for one were close friends. The closest friends he ever had.

The only one that survived was his other childhood best friend that he was dating at the time. 

He looks at the flowers as he thinks about Bobby and wonders how come he forgot Jiwon. He always felt like he knew Jiwon from somewhere, but he didn't think much about it. 

He snaps out of his thoughts when his phone starts ringing. He puts his phone in his pocket as he leaves the building. 

He looks down at the one bouquet in his hand and hands it to a random stranger. Then turns the other way and leaves.

He heads back to the house for Bermuda Triangle and wonders how this will end. He hopes that no one else that he cares about will die. 

He doesn't think he can handle that happening again.

Me: I can't tell if this is filler chapter or not. It might seem like one, but this chapter is very important for the plot. Anyway, one more chapter left then the epilogue. The epilogue will be a very happy ending. I can't really do the other ending I planned now, but I could find a way if you want...I doubt you do. There would be no Johnil...I focused too much on the side ships...*cough* Double B *cough*, but I will make the epilogue about Johnil for the most part.

I hope you enjoy this ending because I changed this ending three times....In my head. I haven't written it yet. 

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