Chapter 4

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My Pov:

Taeil looks up when the doorbell rings. He looks hopefully at the door and is disappointed by who he saw. 

"Why do you look so sad? Aren't you happy to see me?"

Taeil sighs and says, "You aren't going to makeout with Jiwon in the back you know.

At first, Taeil was sad that he saw less of Hanbin until he started hanging out with Youngho more and coming out of his shell. Plus not seeing Hanbin meant that he wouldn't be scared for life every time he wants to go to the back for something. Of course, he knew that he couldn't tell Jiwon this because that would sadden him even more.

He found it strange how Youngho  and Hanbin never came at the same time. Even when they first met Youngho.

He wanted to ask Hanbin why, but something is telling him not to. He doesn't know what, but he chose not to tell Hanbin.

However, he forgot to tell Jiwon, so as soon as Hanbin goes to the back, he hears Jiwon spilling the bean.

He facepalms and wonders why his friend is so stupid. He also wonders how they became friends in the first place then he remembers that he met Jiwon through another friend he has. Somehow, Jiwon became his best friend and the person he trusts the most.

Saying Hanbin is pissed is an understatement. 

Taeil watches Hanbin walk out of the shop with fire in his eyes. Jiwon comes out of the back room pouting and Taeil just looks at him then shakes his head.

"You know you can't keep going on like this. You have to tell him before they do." Taeil says.

"I know, but still...." Jiwon says and frowns.

"Hey now don't get sad. It is not the end of the world. We know who he and Youngho is. We just aren't going to tell them that least not yet. They will find out eventually." Taeil says and looks away.

"Just don't fall for Youngho." Jiwon says and watching Taeil.

"That is like telling you to don't date Hanbin." Taeil says playing with a flower.

"It has only been a month." Jiwon says.

"It has only been four months for you, but you two are already dating. Heck you liked him before the second month. Heck you two were making out before even dating."

"I know, but the situation is different." Jiwon says and Taeil pauses.

"....I guess, but still...Do you think he knows that?" Taeil asks and Jiwon only sighs in response.

Taeil and Jiwon stay silent for a bit letting themselves think about what to do next then they remember what day it is. They look at each other and Jiwon curses as Taeil slaps him.

"Why did you let him go out?"

"You didn't stop him either."

"He is your boyfriend not mine!"

"True, but-"

"Hush, we have to tell him sooner than we thought."

Jiwon sighs and whines about how he doesn't want to. Taeil ignores him as his phone buzzes.

He takes it out and sighs. "Come on. Let's go. It is too late now." Taeil says and Jiwon follows him out the shop closing the door behind him.

The next day, Woojin sighs as he approaches Taeyong. He didn't want to talk to Taeyong about this, but he has no other choice. There is no way he would tell Johnny or Jaehyun about this. Besides, Hyunjin was no help at all.

He told Hyunjin that Hanbin hasn't come back yet and Hyunjin suggests that Hanbin is on a mission, but he would know if he was. Hanbin always told him where he was or when his missions were because most of the times he would need Woojin's help and he knew Woojin wouldn't tell anyone.

Woojin knew about Jiwon before anyone else because Hanbin told him.

Hyunjin then suggested calling Hanbin earning a sigh from Woojin. Woojin had been calling him ever since yesterday night when he didn't show up to their planned game night.

Then Hyunjin told him to ask the other members, so after an hour or two, he decided to get up and ask Taeyong. 

So now Woojin is standing next to Taeyong and is ready to ask him about where Hanbin is until Taeyong speaks.

"I don't know where he is. You can't say he is missing until a week goes by. He will turn up eventually. He used to do this a lot and probably started again to be with...Jiwon?" Taeyong says and Woojin blinks.

Woojin rolls his eyes and says, "And do you think that he wouldn't tell me that. I knew about Jiwon from the start, but why would I have told you guys that. Jeez. At least act like you care."

 Taeyong looks at Woojin and Woojin shakes his head then walks away.

"Come on, Hyunjin let's go." Woojin says to Hyunjin, who was hiding.

Hyunjin blinks and follows Woojin leaving his hiding spot. "How did you know?"

"....Dude, your leg was sticking out-"


Me: I am going to miss this story. Also Taeyong isn't a bad guy...kind of. He and Woojin just don't get along because something in the past.

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